I imagine that the people who will find #Mastodon the most frustrating are the people who were trying to monetize off of #Twitter by gaming algorithms to get their #ads in front of more eyes. The tricks they've been used to for years just won't work the same way here and that's a very good thing for literally everyone else.
@MadVikingGod @vwbusguy maybe the more interesting question.
People wanting content and people who want to make content - getting those groups together isn't bad in and of itself. The how part is and will be interesting to see.
One possible outcome that I would enjoy is that the quality of the content improves. And quality content should _make it easier_ to find an audience. Once they find each other.. they can work it out.
@finnegan @vwbusguy I agree that is a more hopeful question, but not a real answer to what I was thinking.
If current advertising becomes less impactful and old models of advertising don't work the same here, people will take the money that would have gone into ads and put it into something else. This has happened with all forms of media, and I don't expect it to stop here.
The question I'm trying to ask is what is the advertising playbook here?