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New to Mastodon

My interests are in:
- Epigenetic regulation of stem cells and lineage commitment
- Single cell omics and lineage trajectories of embryonic and heart development
- Gene-regulatory networks of development and differentiation

That is it.
That is the toot

After a couple of days on #Mastodon I’m very impressed & excited to be part of this growing community! #mastodonmigration

My only humble suggestion is that it needs more #tardigrades aka "water bears."

Tardigrades have survived every mass #extinction on Earth since they evolved about a 1/2 billion years ago. There are ~1,300 known species. And millions of years from now, they won’t even notice we’re gone.

It's really quite exciting starting up on Mastodon.
Rather like opening a door in a wall and suddenly finding you are in a party with some old friends and lots of new interesting people.
As one who was an early adopter of Twitter, it also is very reminiscent of the old days when I first realised how useful social media could be for meeting new people and learning new stuff.

Interesting paper on how the USP7 protein contributes to the activity of non-canonical PRC1.1 and 1.6 complexes. USP7 positively contributed to H2AK119ub, but re-expression of USP7 in knockout cells does not change H3K27me3 levels

We zitten hier nu met z'n allen op Mastodon & maken olifanten-grapjes. Maar wat is een mastodon - in het Nederlands mastodont - eigenlijk? Even een kleine 🧵 met weetjes 🙂.

Mastodonten zijn inderdaad familie van mammoeten & hedendaagse olifanten. Maar ze zijn minder nauw verwant dan je misschien zou denken. Ze splitsen al behoorlijk lang (zo'n 30 miljoen jaar) geleden af van een gezamenlijke voorouder, zoals je kunt zien in dit evolutionaire boompje. Ver voordat wij mensen in the picture kwamen

The only (and supposedly mutually exclusive) alternative to freedom of speech is 'Political "correctness"'?


How about resisting bigotry, hate speech, falsehoods, discrimination?

How is that for framing?

Experiments are "fishing expeditions" only to the extent they are done without any ideas or predictions of outcomes

"Fishing expedition" describes the thinking of the researcher (applicant or reviewer), not necessarily the merits of the experiment

New to Mastodon

My interests are in:
- Epigenetic regulation of stem cells and lineage commitment
- Single cell omics and lineage trajectories of embryonic and heart development
- Gene-regulatory networks of development and differentiation

That is it.
That is the toot

Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.