Great quote from @gruber on Humane’s (screenless pocket device) anti-phone stance:
“Finally, you can replace this thing that you despise” is a powerful marketing message. “Finally, you can replace this thing that you love” is not.
Read full post here…
@DannyBehar @davemark @gruber still not up. I've been checking TED website regularly and they seem to be milking it and are posting only 1-2 TED talk videos per day. The last TED conference had about 80 talks so this might take a while.
@DannyBehar @davemark @gruber
@DannyBehar @davemark @gruber
the video was indeed posted today. I watched it.
some of the AI things he showed are nice but they are not tied in any way to his other main idea, that of projecting staff on your hand and using only voice controls. That seems absolutely terrible to me. FAR less capable and FAR less convenient than a phone. what if I want to scroll Mastodon, or watch a video, or look at a map, or play a game?
@herid @davemark @gruber The first iPhone released in 2007 was far less capable than a Mac. It didn’t have an App Store, used 2G data, had limited graphics capabilities and couldn’t take selfies. Twitter didn’t launch an app until three years later in 2010. People used it because it offered the internet in your pocket. With recent advancements in Ai, a new tech platform may emerge. People won’t use it for the resolution but for what it will unlock. Compute at the speed of thought.
@DannyBehar @davemark @gruber I don't disagree with any of that. and I am not knocking the AI stuff he I said I found it interesting. I am specifically knocking the idea of getting rid of physical screen and projecting stuff on your hand. That seems a terrible DOA idea to me. in the iphone examples you mention you could from the start envision things getting better. it was clear that graphics can improve, camera can improve, 3rd party apps can be made. There is absolutely no way something with visual UI consisting of a projection on your palm can improve to make things like browsing the web or looking at a map or playing a game viable.
@herid @davemark @gruber while I think projection technology will improve wildly with investment, I think the interaction model is very different from what we are used to. And I think people will still use phones for many things just as people continue to use desktops and laptops for many things. Just some ideas of what this could enable: 24/7 personal security with a flashlight, live blogging, menus projected onto restaurant surface. In the moment and personalized context about a painting. Etc…
@DannyBehar @davemark @gruber maybe but I remain skeptical. I can see it possibly becoming something where voice controls are enough. like the translation demo he showed. that was cool. but not for anything that needs a screen.
@herid @DannyBehar @davemark @gruber It was also pretty clearly rehearsed. I’ll wait until I see demos from people who don’t already know what to highlight or avoid.
@mjgardner @herid @davemark @gruber oh yes absolutely. Same very much looking forward to seeing what the v1 product will be capable of.
@herid @davemark @gruber yea not sure. I really thought it would be up by now. Hopefully soon!