Globish 1500 words
a a before a noun ( “an” if the noun begins with a vowel)
able having the necessary power
about having to do with
above overhead
accept to receive or to take something given
according (to) as stated by
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account a list of money operations
accuse charge with having done something wrong
achieve to succeed
across to the opposite side
act process of doing something
adapt make fit for
add to put with
admit to permit to enter, to accept
adult one who is of legal age
advertisement to give public notice ( press, radio, TV, web, roadside )
advise to give advice
affect to have an effect upon
afraid filled with fear
after behind, next to, later in time
again once more
against in an opposite direction to
age time of life
agency a business or service acting for others
ago gone by, past
agree have the same opinion
ahead in a forward direction
aid to help
aim to direct, a purpose
air gases that surround the earth
alive having life
all the whole of
allow to permit
ally to unite or join for a purpose
almost nearly, not quite
alone apart from other people
along on, with a forward motion
already by this time
also in addition, besides
although even if
always every time, continuously
among in the middle of
amount a total
and used to connect words or sentences
anger strong feeling of displeasure
angle space between two lines extending from the same
announce make known
another some other
answer words in return to a question
any one out of many
apartment a series of connected rooms, a flat
apologize to express regret
appeal make a request
appear to come to be seen
apple a round fruit
apply 1. to put into service.
2. to ask for something.
appoint to name to a position
approve to agree with something or somebody, to okay
area a space
argue to discuss with someone who disagrees
arm human upper body part, weapon
army a group of people armed for war
around on all sides
arrest to seize or hold by legal authority
arrive to come to a place
art the creation of beautiful or important things
as to the same degree
ask to put a question to
assist to help
at near to, by, in
attach to join one thing to another by some means
attack to set upon with force
attempt to make an effort at
attend to be present at
attention a mental effort toward one thing
authority the power to enforce something on someone
automatic acting or operating by itself
autumn the season between summer and winter, the fall
available for use by someone
average usual quantity
avoid to keep away from
awake to stop sleeping
award to give for high performance or quality
away at a distance from a given place or position
baby a very young child
back 1° opposite of “front”
2° return
bad not good
bag a soft container with a single opening
balance equality between two parts or two quantities
ball a round object used in games
ballot a paper used to vote
ban forbid by law or authority
bank a place where one can borrow money
bar long piece of solid material, a place where one can buy
and enjoy drinks
barrier a structure to block a way
base the lowest material
basket a small container
bath large container used to wash the body
battle a fight between armed forces
be describes the quality of being
bear to carry, to support
beat to strike with force more than once
beauty quality that gives pleasure to the senses
because for the reason that
become to grow or come to be
bed anything to sleep on
beer a drink which is dangerous for self-control
before earlier
begin to do the first step of an action
behind at the back
believe to accept as true or real
bell an object that made a warning sound when struck
belong to be the property of
below in or to a lower place
bend opposite of straighten
beside at the side of
best most excellent
betray to be disloyal
better higher in quality
between in the space or time separating
big of great size
bill a statement of charges
bird a flying animal with wings
birth the act of being born
bit a smal quantity
bite to cut into or off with the teeth
black opposite to withe
blade cutting part of anything like a knife
blame to hold responsible, to express disagreement
blank surface not written or printed on
blanket bedding that keeps a person warm in bed
bleed to lose blood
blind not able to see
block 1° a space in town within 4 streets
2° to stop the way
blood the red fluid which the heart sends to all parts of the
blow to moe as the wind does
blue a color like that of a clear sky
board 1° a flat piece of wood
2° to sleep and take meals
boat a small open floating structure to travel on water
body the whole material part of a human being
Le bomb a weapon dropped on a target
bone material that makes up the skeleton
bonus an extra to an employee
book printed material with pages between covers
boot shoe that covers the whole foot and lower leg
border line separtating two countries, properties, or subjects
born brougth into existence
borrow to get from someone and be returned
boss a person who exercises control over employees
both two together
bottle a container, usually glass
bottom the lowest or deepest part
box a container, often with a cover
boy a male child
boycott to refuse dealing with, as a way of protest
brain in the head, for the exercise of emotion and thought
brake a device for slowing or stopping motion
branch a division of something
brave controlling one’s fear when facing a danger
bread common food made from wheat
break to cause to come to pieces
breathe to get air in and out of one’s chest
brick a block of hard material used in building
bridge a structure to pass over a waterway, or another road
brief to inform
bright shining
bring take something or somebody with oneself to a nearer
broad wide
broadcast to send on by radio or television
brother a male person having the same parents as another
brown a colour similar to that of dark wood or earth
brush a tool with hair firmly set into a handle for cleaning
budget a plan for meeting costs
build make by putting materials together
bullet a piece of metal to be shot from a gun
burn to be or set on fire
burst to force open or fly apart suddenly
bury to place in the ground
business a company, a professional activity
busy actively at work
but however
butter a yellow fat food made from milk
button a small disk on a piece of clothing to keep it closed
buy to get by giving money
by by means of
cabinet piece of furniture to store things
call a loud cry ofthen in protest, opposition, or when asking
for an answer
calm quiet
camera equipment for taking pictures
camp a shelter for a short time
campaign a series of actions taken to get something done
can 1° a metal container
2° to be able to
cancel to suppress
capture to take by force
car automobile
card a small flat piece of thin cardboard
care serious attention
carriage an outdated four-wheel vehicle
carry to take from one place to another
case 1° an exemple
2° a container
cash money in the form of paper-bills or metal
cat a small family animal
catch to capture
celebrate to observe an event with ceremonies
cell 1° a small material of a whole
2° a device for storing electricity
center a middle point
century a period of 100 years
ceremony a formal set of acts done according to custom
certain definite, sure
chain any series of things
chair a seat with a back
chairman one that holds first place, the officer who presides the
challenge an invitation to compete, to debate a point of view
champion an active supporter
chance a possibility due to a good combination of conditions
change 1° to make different
2° the money received when what you give is too high
channel a body of water joining two larger ones, a television
broadcasting station
character combination of qualities of a person
charge 1° to ask as a price
2° to accuse
chart 1° a map
2° a display of information
chase to go after to try to catch
cheap not dear (in terms of money)
check to prove true or right
cheer shout of approval
cheese food made from milk
chemical dealing with the composition of substances and their
properties and reactions
chest the part of the body between neck and stomach
chief a person who is in charge and gives orders to others
child a young person, not an adult
choose select among others
church a building for religious meetings
circle a round line always at the same distance from a central
citizen a person belonging to a nation
city a large town
civilian a person in civil life, not in the armed forces
claim to demand as one’s due
clash make or cause to make a loud sound
class a group of students working together
clean 1° not dirty
2° to make clean by removing dirt
clear easy to see through
climate the weather of the place
climb to go upward with continuous progress
close to cause to stop operation, to suppress an opening
(door, window)
cloth material, textil
cloud a white or gray natural body moving by the wind in the
coal a black substance used as natural fuel
coast the land next to the sea
coat a warm article of clothing covering the whole body,
worm outside
code a set of laws or rules
cold opposite of hot
collect to get or gather together
college an organization of higher learning
colony a group of people who settle far from their parent
color quality of light of an object
combine to put or add together
come to move toward, to travel toward
comfort a state of being calm and feeling no pain
command orders to do something
comment a statement that expresses a personal opinion
committee a group to perform a job
common belonging to a community as a whole
communicate to give and receive information
community a group of people living in the same area
company a person who is frequently with another
compare to examine similarities and differences
compete to measure oneself against others
complete having all necessary parts
compromise a middle way between two extremes
computer a data storing and processing machine
concern 1° something that interests you
2° to be on the mind of
condemn to express strong disapproval of
condition the state in which a person or thing is at a given
conference a meeting
confirm to establish or support with new evidence or fact
congratulate to express pleasure at someone’s success
congress a meeting of representatives
connect to join or link
consider to examine
consumption the act of buying goods or services
contact when surfaces, points, or people join
contain to have within
continent one of the main lands parts of the earth
continue to keep up
control to exercise authoritative power over
cook to get food ready for eating by heat
cool the quality of being at a pleasant low temperature
cooperate to work together
copy a totally similar thing
cork used to stop a bottle
corn a yellow vegetable
corner point where lines or surfaces meet
correct free from mistakes
cost the price which one has to pay
cotton soft white vegetable used in making clothing
count 1° the act of counting
2° the total number counted
country 1° a large area outside towns
2° territory occupied by a nation
course series of studies
court a place where justice is given
cover to put sometig over so as to protect
cow a female animal giving milk
crash a loud repeating noise
create to cause to exist
credit money that one can borrow
crime an act that is agains the law
crisis a difficult turning point
criteria a basis for comparison
criticize to find something wrong with
crop what plants provide
cross to ga across
crowd a large number of people together
crush to press with violence
cry to make a sound that shows pain, fear
culture feelings, thoughts, tastes of a society
cup a small, open container with a handle for drinking
cure to bring back to health
current belonging to the present time
custom a usual practice
cut 1° the act of reducing the amount or number 2° to
separate with a sharp instrument
damage the occurrence of a change for the worse
dance to move according to music
danger the condition of being harmed or injured
dark no light, lacking light
date the day of the month
daughter a femal human child
day a 24 hour period or between surnrise and sunset
dead no longer living
deaf unable to hear
deal the act of buying or selling
dear in a close and affectionate relationship
debate to discuss reasons for or against
debt something owed
decide to settle a problem for good
declare to make known formally
decrease change to a lower degree
deep extending far down
defeat extending far down
defend extending far down
define to tell the main quality of, to explain what it is
degree a position on a scale of intensity
delay a position on a scale of intensity
delicate pleasing and easily damaged
deliver to bring to a place where it is supposed to go
demand to ask with authority
demonstrate to establish that something is correct or true
denounce to speak out against
deny to declare untrue
departure the act of going away
depend to count on, as for support
deploy to spread out
depression the state of being sad
describe to tell about
desert* a dry area without trees
design a drawing plan
desire to wish strongly for
destroy to ruin
detail an individual part of a whole
develop to bring, grow to a more complete state
device machine or thing used for a definite purpose
die to stop living
diet a choice of food
differ to be different
difficult hard to do or to understand
dig to make a hole in the ground
dinner a main meal in the evening
diplomat a person representing a party/nation to another
direct 1° to set a line of action
2° to send ( someone or something )
dirt dust, earth, anything of this nature
disappear to pass out of existence or not to be seen any longer
discover to arrive at through search and study
discuss to talk over
disease illness
disk a round, thin, flat object
dismiss to send away
dispute to argue
distance separation in space or time
divide separate into parts
do 1° to carry out, to perform
2° used as an auxiliary for verbs
doctor a person qualified to treat diseases
document a paper with information on it
dog a common animal
door for closing up an opening in a building or a room
doubt not to believe
down to a lower position
drain a pipe for carrying water or other liquid
draw to pull
dream a series of pictures or ideas in the mind during sleep
dress a piece of clothing for women or girls
drink to take in liquids
drive to operate a vehicle
drop 1° a small, rounded body of liquid
2° to let something fall down
drug a medicine
dry free from liquid
during through the period
dust fine dry earth, any fine powder
duty the thing that a person has to do
each every single one considered individually
ear body part for hearing and balance
early near the beginning
earn to gain as a result for one’s labor
earth the globe on which we live, the soft material on which
plants grow
east opposite to west, the region where the sun rises in the
easy not difficult to do
eat take food into the mouth and swallow it
edge the limit of a surface
education a development by training, study or experience
effect whatever is produced by a cause
effort the use of physical or mental energy
either one or the other
elastic having the quality of springing back
electricity a flow of electrons
element a small material quantity of something
else other than what is under consideration
embassy a diplomatic building in a foreign country
emergency something sudden and unexpected demanding
immediate action
emotion a strong feeling
employ to put into service
empty containing nothing
end bring to a halt
enemy a person or group that hates and fights another
enforce to make sure the law is observed
engine a machine that can start others moving
enjoy to experience a feeling of pleasure
enough as much or as many as needed
enter to come or go into
entertain to hold the attention of
environment all the surrounding conditions that affect a living thing
equal to be identical
equate to consider as identical
equipment instrument(s) needed to perform a service
erase to remove
escape to run away from a danger or a prison
especially in a special way
establish to set up permanently
estimate a rough amount
ethnic of a given race or social group
evaporate to change a liquid into a gas
even 1° flat, smooth surface
2° at the same level
event a happening
ever at any time
every each and all
evidence data on which a proof can be based
evil morally wrong, bad
exact complete agreement with reality
example a representative of one group
except not included
exchange to give to, and receive from one another
excuse to forgive, give a reason
execute to carry out, to perform
exercise systematic training
exist to be or live
exit the act of going out
expand to extend in one or more directions
expect to consider something as probable
expense money spent
experience the quantity of knowledge or skill that results from
direct activity
experiment a test to find out something
expert a person highly knowledgeable
explain to make clear, to make plain
explode to burst or cause to burst suddenly and violently
explore to go or travel for the purpose of finding out about
export* to sell out of one country for use in another
express to put into words
extend to stretch out
extra added to a regular quantity
extreme of the greatest possible degree or intensity
eye body part by which we see
face the front part of the head
fact an event known to have happened or something known
to have existed
factory a building in which goods are manufactured
fail an action that does not reach success
fair free from self-interest
fall to drop from a higher position
false not true
family mother, father, and their children
famous widely known and valued
far at a great distance
fast acting or moving quickly
fat oily substance formed in the bodies of living creatures
father a male parent
fear being afraid
feather covering of the birds
feature structure, appearance, form of someone or something
feed to give food
feel to touch, to experience an emotion
female a woman or girl, or the equivalent in animals
fertile able to reproduce
few not many, a rather small number
field a piece of land, an area
fierce marked by extreme and violent energy
fight an intense dispute
figure a number or a written thing other than a letter
file a place for keeping papers in order
fill put into until there is room for no more
film motion picture
final at the end of a process
finance the management of money
find discover the existence, presence or fact
fine satisfactory
finger one of the five end members of the hand
finish to bring to an end, to complete a job
fire 1° to shoot with a firearm
2° to lay off an employee
firm 1° not soft, resisting pressure
2° company, business
first coming before all others
fish a water animal
fist the hand closed firmly
fit to suit
fix to repair
flag a piece of cloth used as a symbol of an organization
flat 1° a series of rooms in an apartment house
2° an even smooth surface
float to be suspended on water, in space
floor the inside lower surface of a room
flower the brightly-coloured part of plant
fluid a substance that flows easily
fly move through the air with wings
fog a cloud of fine drops of water above the earth’s surface
which limits what one can see
fold to bend or lay so that one part covers the other
follow to come or go after
food material taken to keep up life and growth
fool a person without sense
foot the end part of the leg
for 1° in place of, representing… etc
2° during
forbid to order not to do something
force to press someone or something to do something
foreign having to do with other countries
forest large area of land covered with trees
forget to be unable to remember
forgive to excuse for an offense
form 1° the shape of a body
2° a printed document with spaces in which to write
former the first of two
forward in the direction of a position ahead
frame a supporting structure over which something is built
free able to act at will
freeze to turn into ice
fresh new, not old
friend a person one likes
frighten to cause fear
from a lower limit, a cause..
front the forward part of a thing or of a living creature
fruit the usual product of plants, the result of an effort
fuel anything burned to provide heat or energy
full containing as much or as many as is possible
fun pleasant activity
future the time yet to come
gain to win something through one’s efforts
gallon 3.785 litres (US) / 4.545 litres ( UK)
game a sport or pastime
gang a group of people acting or going around together
garden land used for growing vegetables or flowers
gas any fluid substance that can expand without limit
gather to bring or come together
general concerning all
gentle kind, soft, pleasant
get 1° to find, to buy
2° to become
3° to move
gift something given
girl a female child or young woman
give to pass a possession to somebody without money
glass mineral material that one can see through
global of the earth as a whole
go move along
goal a purpose
god He who created everything
gold a yellow and very dear metal
good having the right qualities
govern to exercise authority on
grass small green plants with narrow leaves
gray (grey) the color made by mixing black and white
great extremely large in size or number or extent
green the color of most plants and leaves
ground the solid material of the earth’s surface
group a number of individuals or things with similarities
grow to increase in size
guarantee to admit responsibility
guard 1° a person who keeps watch
2° a device designed to prevent injury
guess to form an opinion without really knowing
guide a person or thing that shows the way
guilty responsible for or having done an act against the law
gun a weapon with a metal tube to shoot bullets
guy a familiar term for a youth or a man
hair growing from the skin of humans and animals
half one of two equal parts
halt a stop of movement
hand the end part of the arm
hang be suspended
happen to take place
happy enjoying pleasure or good luck
hard strong, resisting weight or pressure
harm damage, injury, to hurt another person
hat a covering for the head
hate a feeling of dislike so strong that it demands action
have to possess, to hold
he third person male pronoun
head 1° the top part of the human body
2 °to start to one direction
heal to bring back to health
health general condition of body and mind
hear to understand with the ears
heart the part of the body which moves the blood through
the body
heat the quality or state of being hot
heavy having great weight
help assistance or support to someone
her a form of “she”
here the present location
hide to place where it can’t be seen
high far above the ground
hijack to seize control of a vehicle
hill a very small mountain
him a form of “he”
hire to employ someone for work
his belonging to him
history a record of past events
hit a physical contact of one thing with another
hold to have possession, or ownership, to keep
hole an opening into or through something
holiday a day on which work is suspended by law or custom
hollow an empty space inside something
holy belonging to or coming from God
home the place where one lives
honest of one who respects the laws and does not rob others
hope expectation that what one desires will happen
horrible an intense feeling of fear, terror
horse a large animal for riding or carrying loads
hospital organization providing treatment for the sick and
hostage a person held to make sure that another party will
meet demanded terms
hostile very unfriendly
hot opposite of “cold”
hour a unit of time measuring 60 minutes
house four walls and a roof for a family to live in
how in what way
however despite anything else
huge unusually large
human relating to a person
humor the quality of seeing the funny side of things
hunger a strong desire or need for food
hunt to catch or kill animals for food or sport
hurry to move or cause to move with speed
hurt cause pain, or damage
husband a married man
I pronoun used for the speaker
ice frozen water
idea a thought
identify to establish the identity of
if used to express a condition
ill not well, having some disease
imagine to picture in one’s head
import* to bring in from a foreign country
important meaning much
improve to make or become better
in to or toward the inside of
inch a unit of length
incident a single event
include to consider as part of something
increase* to make or become greater
independent free from any control
indicate to point out
individual a single thing or person
industry the manufacturing of goods
infect to communicate a disease to
influence a power affecting a person or events
inform to give knowledge, or facts or news
inject to force a fluid into
injure to hurt
innocent free from wrong doing
insane person with mental disorder
insect a very small animal with six legs
inspect to look over carefully
instead in place of someone or something
insult* an offensive remark
insurance protection against future damage or loss
intelligence 1° the ability to get and use knowledge
2° secret information
intense being of a very high degree
interest a feeling of wanting to know
interfere to come between so as to be in the way
international between or among nations
into motion to a point within something
invade to enter by force in order to get by fighting
invent to make for the first time ever
invest to buy something that is expected to produce a profit
investigate to search into carefully
invite to ask to come to some place
involve 1° to carry out an activity
2° to be involved in it as a member of a team
iron a grey metallic element
island a piece of land surrounded by water
issue a point of discussion
it the thing named
item a single unit
jacket piece of clothing for the upper part of the body
jail a prison
jewel a valuable stone
job work
join to put together
joint a point at which two things are joined
joke a fun story
joy a strong feeling of pleasure
judge public official who decides cases in a court of law
jump to move forward by a long and high step
jury a group of persons chosen to judge
just honorable and fair
keep to continue a certain state, condition, or activity
key an instrument that locks and unlocks
kick to strike out with the foot
kid a child
kill to put to death
kind showing a helpful and considerate nature
king the male ruler of a nation
kiss to touch with the lips as an expression of love or
kit a set of materials
kitchen a room in which food is cooked
knife a cutting blade with a handle
know to have information about
labor the effort in doing something, work
laboratory a place for scientific research or equipment
lack to have less than enough
lake a large body of fresh water surrounded by land
land the solid part of the earth’s surface
language human speech to communicate with sounds
large of more than the usual size, number, quantity
last 1° to continue to live
2° coming after all others
late coming after the expected time
laugh to make sounds showing happiness
law a country’s body of rules
lay to place in a position of rest
lead to take somebody to some place
leak an accidental hole that lets a fluid out
learn to gain knowledge
least what is less important than anything else
leave to go away
left side that is toward the west when main side faces
leg a member used to support the body
legal based upon law
lend to let another have or use for a time
length the measure of something along its greatest extent
less not as great in amount or degree
let to allow
letter a sign that represent speech sound, a piece of mail
level position
lie a statement that is not true
lie to be in a position that is parallel to the ground
life the condition of living or the state of being alive
lift to raise in a higher position
light that by which we see
like to find pleasant or agreable
limit the point or line where something ends
link one element of a chain
lip either of the two edges of the mouth
liquid a substance that flows freely like water
list a written list of things
listen to make an effort to hear something
little small in size, opposite of much
live to have life, to exist
load to fill or place a load on
loan the act of lending
local a limited place
locate to find the position of
lock to keep from being entered into or taken our or away
log a section of tree as it comes from the tree
lone feeling oneself alone
long measuring much
look to use one’s eyes to see, physical appearance
loose not attached
lose to be unable to keep
lot a large number or amount
loud intensity of sound
love great attachment
low not high or tall
luck chance
mail things and messages sent by post or internet
main most important
major of greater importance
make to execute, to do
male a man or a boy
man an adult person who is male
manufacture make by hand or by machine
many in great number
map a written picture of an area of the earth
march to walk as soldiers
mark a sign made on an object
market a place for people for buying and selling
marry to join as a husband and wife
master person having control over others
match 1° a competition
2° a thin piece to light a fire
material substance used to make up an object
matter 1° substance
2° subject of action or concern
may 1° to allow
2° make something possible 3° in relation to something
which could possibly happen
mayor the person at the head of a city, town, village
me a form of “I”
meal food served in one sitting
mean express, average (adj), to have a sense
measure to find out the size, the quantity, etc ..
meat animal parts used as food
media a means for communicating
meet to come face to face
member one of the persons or things that make up a group
memory the store of things one can remember
mental having to do with the mind
mercy more kindness than justice requires
message a communication from one person to another
metal a substance that is hard and usually shiny
method a way of doing something
middle in the centre
might possibility, power, to express a wish or a permission
mile a unit for measuring distance
military having to do with soldiers
milk a white liquid produced by female animals
mind 1° the seat of reason
2° to pay close attention to
mine 1° belonging to me
2° a hole in the earth
3° a bomb
minister a person taking part in the charge of a government
minor lesser in amount, size, or importance
miscellaneous formed of different things or parts
miss to fail to hit
mistake something done that is not correct or exact
mix to put together
mob a large number of people, a crowd
model 1° a small copy
2° an example to be followed
moderate not extreme
modern of the present time or times
money the most common means of exchange
month one of the 12 parts of the year
moon the natural satellite of the earth
moral as per common ideas of right or wrong
more greater in number
morning early part of the day ending at noon
most greatest in quantity, amount, measure, degree
mother a female parent who has given birth to a child
motion the condition of moving
mountain very high hill
mouth the opening in the human face through which food is
move to change position
much in great quantity
murder killing of a human being by another
muscle body parts that produce movement
music an organization of sounds
must to have to
my belonging to me
mystery anything that is unexplained or secret
nail 1° a thin pointed piece of metal
2° hard plate on back side of fingers
name a word to call someone or something
narrow of small or limited extent from one side to the other
nation community of people occupying a defined territory
native a person born in a certain place or country
navy all the ships of war of a country
near opposite of far
necessary that must be
neck body part that connects the head with the rest of the
need a state in which something is necessary
neighbor one living near another
neither not either
nerve channels which connect different parts of the body for
orders or information
neutral not taking part in
never not ever
new not old
news new information of any kind
next following at once, nearest
nice pleasing
night the period between evening and morning
no opposite of “yes”
noise loud sound
noon twelve o’clock in the day
normal of the usual type
north direction to the right as one faces the setting sun
nose the part of the head just above the mouth for smelling
not to express the opposite for a word or a group of words
note a short written document
nothing a zero quantity
notice to discover the existence, presence or fact
now at the present time
nowhere in no place, at no place
number a quantity of units
obey to do what one is ordered
object anything that can be seen or touched
observe to watch attentively
occupy to be busy, to live in
occur to take place
of forming a part of
off 1° at a distance in space or time
2° not in operation
offensive giving offense
offer to present for acceptation, to suggest
office a place of business
officer any person in the armed services
often frequently
oil 1° a thick liquid used as fuels
2° a mineral
old having existed long
on 1° on top of
2° in operation
once one time
only one and no more
open 1° opposite of”close”
2° not shut or closed
operate to work
opinion a judgment not backed by proof
opportunity a possibility to seize
opposite place face to face or back to back
oppress to keep down unjustly
or used to give another choice
order a command
organize to form as a structured whole
other the remaining one
ounce a unit of weight
our belonging to us
ours belonging to us (pronoun)
oust to remove from a position or office
out away from inside
over above in place or position
owe to be in debt to
own of or belonging to
page each thin piece of paper of a book
pain an unpleasant feeling in the body
paint liquid that can be put on a surface to dry as a coating
pan open container for holding liquids, for cooking, etc…
pants a piece of clothing for the lower body
paper a material used mainly for writing
parade a group moving along in an orderly way
parcel a box with things in it
parent father or mother
parliament lawmaking body of a country
part something less than the whole
party a group of people doing something together
pass 1° to travel past
2° to go through a test
passenger a person travelling in a ship, train, airplane, etc..
past the time that is behind us
paste something that will stick papers together
path a track made by people or animals walking
patient a person who requires medical care
pattern an order of shapes, lines, colors, etc…
pay to give what is due
peace no war
pen instrument for writing with a liquid
pencil instrument for writing – dry
people a body of persons of the same country
percent the one hundredth part of something
perfect without mistake
perform to do, to carry out
perhaps possibly
period between two points in time
permanent fixed and lasting
permit to allow to do something
person a human being
physical of the body
pick to select from a group
picture a print of something on a flat surface taken by a
piece one of the parts of a thing
pig animal raised for food
pilot a person trained to operate a plane
pint a unit for measuring liquids
pipe a tube through which a liquid or gas flows
place a part of space
plain simple, pure, evident to the mind
plan a scale drawing of a structure
plane an airplane
plant 1° any living thing that is not an animal
2° a factory
plastic that can be shaped or formed
plate from which food is eaten
please to give pleasure to
plenty a full supply
pocket a small flat bag fixed into or onto pants or clothing
point a geometric element where two lines are crossing
poison a substance that is very dangerous to health
policy a plan of action
politics the science of government
pollute to make physically unclean
poor having little money
popular widely liked
port town where ships and boats can take shelter from
position a place where a thing or person is
possess to have or own
possible that can happen or exist
postpone to delay until a future time
potato eaten as cooked vegetable
pound 1° the basic unit of money of the UK
2° a unit of weight
pour to flow or cause to flow
powder a solid reduced to dust
power force
practice to work on over and over in order to learn a skill
praise the act of saying that a thing or person is good
pray to speak to God
pregnant carrying a developping baby
present 1° period of time between past and future
2° a gift
press 1° to act upon through continuous strength
2° the publishing of news in all forms
pretty nice-looking or pleasing
prevent to keep from happening
price money asked or given for something
print to reproduce things on paper
prison a public building in which criminals are kept
private belonging to one person or persons
prize a reward won in a competition
problem a hard question
process a set of actions in a special order
product a thing that is manufactured
professor a teacher of the highest level in a university
profit the return on a business undertaking
program a listing of events for a public presentation
progress* movement toward a goal
project* a plan
property any thing or things owned
propose to suggest
protect to keep from being hurt
protest a statement that objects strongly
prove to provide evidence for
provide to supply
public of the community or the people
publish to prepare and issue for the public
pull to move by drawing something toward oneself
punish to cause discomfort to a person because of some
purchase to buy
pure not mixed with anything else
purpose goal, aim
push to move away by pressing against it
put to cause to be in some place
quality a high and desirable level in a given thing or person
quart a unit of liquid
quarter one of four equal parts
queen a female ruler of a country, a king’s wife
question something asked
quick fast
quiet silent, peaceful
quit put an end to an activity or a state
quite completely
race a competition of speed
radiation the act of spreading out from a centre
raid a surprise attack
rail a metal bar
rain water falling in drops from the clouds
raise cause to rise
range the act of spreading out from a centre
rare not often to be found
rate a quantity, amount in relation to something else
rather somewhat
ray a group of parallel lines of radiation
reach to get to, to come to
react to act in return to
read to understand something that is written
ready set for immediate action
real true, having happened in fact
reason the cause for an action
receive to take or get
recognize to identify from past experience
record* 1° written account
2° set down in permanent form
recover 1° to get back
2° to find a former condition
red the color of blood
reduce to make less
refugee a person who leaves his country in time of war
refuse* not accept
regret to feel disappointed about
regular fixed by rule, usual, normal
reject to refuse to take
relation connections between people
release to let go, to let loose
remain to continue in a place, stay
remember to bring back to the mind
remove to move from one place to another
repair to fix
repeat to do or make again
report an account of facts
represent to stand for
request express the need or desire for
require to demand
rescue to save from danger
research a careful hunting for facts or truth
resign to give up
resist to work against
resolution an action decided upon
resource any supply that will meet a need
respect to honor
responsible involving the ability to act on one’s own
rest to stop acting when tired
restrain to control
result to exist as an end
retire to withdraw from working life
return to go or come back
revolt to fight against a leader
reward a return made for something done
rice food grown throughout the world
rich possessing great wealth
ride to sit and travel on the back of an animal
right 1° correct
2° opposite of left
ring 1° a circle
2° to sound loudly
riot a wild, violent public action
rise to move up
risk the possibility of loss or danger
river large stream of water that flows into an ocean, a lake,
road an open way for vehicles
rob to steal from
rock a hard part of natural matter
rocket a device projected into space
roll turning over and over
roof the top covering of a building
room a part of a house
root part of a plant that grows into the ground
rope a strong thick line
rough not smooth
round shaped like a ball
row a line of people or things
rub to move one thing back and forth against another
rubber an elastic material made from the blood of a special
ruin total destruction
rule governing power
run to move the legs quickly
sad opposite of “happy”
safe free from danger
sail a piece of cloth spread to the wind to make a ship
salt white substance added to food for taste
same not another
sand very small loose pieces of rock
satisfy meet a want or need
save to rescue from danger
say to speak
scale the relation between the real size of something and its
size on a map
scare to frighten
school a place for teaching and learning
science knowledge of general facts
score a number or letter marking quality
script something written by hand
sea a large body of salt water
search to check in hopes of finding something
season one of the four periods of the year
seat a surface or place for sitting
second 1° a unit of time
2° one next after the first
secret kept from being generally known
section a part, a division
security freedom from danger
see to use the eyes to look
seed the thing from which a flower or vegetable grows
seek to try to find
seem to appear to be
seize to take hold of suddenly
seldom not often to be found
self one’s own person
sell to exchange for money
senate a lawmaking body of the government
send cause to go to some other place
sense of the following: hearing, touching, smelling, tasting,
sentence a group of words with a subject and a verb
separate be between, keep apart
series a number of similar things one after another
serious concerned with important matters rather than play
serve to work for
set to put in some place
settle to choose a house and become established
several being more than two or three but not many
sex either of the two divisions: male or female
shade a partly dark place, not in the sun
shake to move quickly backwards and forwards, up and down
shall auxiliary, to show duty or express a command
shame a feeling of having done something wrong
shape the form of a thing
share a part of anything owned with others
sharp having a cutting edge
she third person female pronoun
sheet a thin piece of anything like paper
shelf a flat piece of wood or metal to hold things such as
shell a hard outside covering of an animal or fruit
shelter something that covers or protects from weather,
shine to send out light
ship 1° a very big boat
2° to send
shirt piece of clothing for the upper body
shock a sudden, violent shake, blow or crash
shoe covering of a person’s foot
shoot to hit with a bullet
shop a place where one buys goods
short not long, small from end to end
should past tense of “shall”
shout to make an extremely loud sound with the mouth
show to cause to be seen
shrink to become smaller
shut to close, closed
sick in poor health, having some disease
side either the left or right half of a body
sign to mark with one’s name
signal any mark used to mean or represent something
silence no sound at all
silk fine soft material used to make clothing
silver a white metal valued for jewellery
similar alike though not identical
simple easy to do or understand
since 1° from then until now
2° because
sing to produce music with the voice
single one only
sister a female having the same parents as another
sit to rest on the lower backside
situation a place
size the amount of surface or space a thing takes up
skill ability gained by practising
skin the covering of the body
skirt a piece of clothing that covers the low part of the body
sky the space high above the earth
slave a person who is the property of another
sleep a natural state of rest
slide to move slowly along a surface while touching
slip to slide
slow not moving quickly
small little
smart intelligent
smash to break into pieces
smell what the nose does
smile to look pleased
smoke part of gases that one can see when anything burns
smooth having an even surface
snack a light meal
snake a long animal with no legs
sneeze to force out breath in an uncontrolled action
snow drops of frozen water falling to earth in winter
so to such a degree
soap a substance to help clean or wash
social living in groups, of human society
society the totality of human relationships
soft opposite of “hard”
soil earth, ground
soldier a person who serves in an army
solid not a liquid or a gas
solve to find an answer
some a certain quantity
son a male child in relation to his parents
song a short music with words
soon in a short time
sorry feeling regret, sadness
sort a kind, a class
soul the part of the body which survives a person
sound what can be heard
south the direction to the left when facing the sunset
space the area in which all things exist
speak to give an understandable message
special of a given kind
speech communication by word of mouth
speed distance travelled in a given time
spell to write or say the letters of a word
spend 1° to pay out
2° to pass the time
spirit the emotional nature of the human being
spot an exact point
spread cover or cause to cover a large area
spring season between winter and summer
spy a person who keeps secret watch on the actions of
square a form with four equal sides and right angles
stage a period in a series of events
stairs a series of steps for going from one level to another
stamp a small piece of paper to put on letters as payment
stand a person in an upright position
star a space body one can see at night
start to get in motion
starve to die because of hunger
state 1° the condition of a person or thing
2° a nation
station a place equipped with special equipment for a given
status condition, state
stay to continue to be as before
steal to take without the owner’s permission
steam gas into which water is changed when heated
steel a hard mix of iron and other metal
step a single movement of the foot in walking
stick a long piece of wood
still quiet
stomach a large structure inside the body to process food
stone solid mineral matter
stop to keep from moving
store a place where goods can be bought
storm strong winds with rain or snow
story an account of some happening
straight direct
strange not familiar, unusual
stream a natural body of running water
street a public road in a city
stretch to make longer by pulling
strike 1° to hit against
2° to stop work
string a thin line of winded light material
strong having much force or power
structure organization
struggle to fight
study to give careful consideration to
stupid not intelligent
subject under the power of another
substance matter
substitute a person or thing taking the place of another
succeed to achieve an event that reaches its purpose
such of that kind
sudden without warning
suffer to feel pain
sugar a sweet substance
suggest to propose
suit a set of clothes to be worn together
summer the warmest of the four seasons in the North half of
the Earth
sun the central star of our system
supervise to watch and direct, to monitor
supply to provide
support to hold up or in position
suppose consider as a possibility
suppress to hold back, to take out
sure certain
surface the outside of anything
surprise an unexpected thing
surround come or be all around
survive to remain alive or in existence
suspect to mistrust, one who is mistrusted
suspend to remove for a period
swallow to pass food from the mouth to the stomach
swear to give one’s word before a judge
sweet having a taste like sugar
swim to move through the water like a fish
symbol something that represents something else
sympathy a sharing of another’s trouble
system a group of items which are part of a whole
table piece of furniture with flat top on legs
tail a thin part extending from the back of animals
take 1° to get possession of
2° to transport
talk to speak
tall higher than the average
target a mark for shooting
task work to be done
taste the feeling produced by the mouth when eating
tax money given by people for the support of government
tea a drink made from tea leaves
teach to communicate skills or knowledge to young people
team a group of players in a game
tear drops of clear liquid produced buy the eyes
tear to pull apart
tell to express in words
term a limited or fixed period of time
terrible causing fear or terror
territory land
terror a huge feeling of fear
test a means to prove something
than compare to that which
thank to express and show pleasure afrer receiving a present
or help
that which
the definite article
theater a place for acting performances
their belonging to them ( adjective)
theirs belonging to them (pronoun)
them objective form of “they”
then at that time in the past or future
theory an explanation based on thought
there away from the speaker
these plural of this
they people in general
thick not thin
thin having a short distance between opposite sides
thing any object or substance
think to form in the mind
third the number three in a series
this points to a person or a thing
those plural of “that”
though in spite of the fact that
thought the content of the mind
threaten say what will be done to hurt
through from end to end
throw send through the air by a movement of the arm
thus in this
tie to attach with something
tight held firmly
time 1° a period
2° the time given by a clock
tin a container
tiny extremely small
tire what a very hard work or sport does to a person who
has then difficulties to do more
title a name given to a book, a painting
to in the direction of
today the present day
together in company
tomorrow the day after today
tone any sound considered with respect to its quality
tongue moving body part in the mouth
tonight on the present night
too 1° also
2° a quantity larger than needed
tool a hand instrument
tooth one of the hard parts in the mouth for biting
top the highest point or part
total whole
touch to cause a part of the body to physically feel something
toward in the direction of
town a population centre smaller than a city
track a mark left by feet or vehicles
trade 1° an occupation
2° business of buying and selling
traffic the amount of vehicles on roads
train 1° connected line of railway cars
2° exercising
transport* to carry from one place to another
travel to go from one place to another
treason betraying one’s country
treasure valuable things
treat to act toward, to handle
treaty a formal agreement between two or more states
tree a tall plant with big branches
trial the act of testing and trying
tribe a social organization or division
trick something done to lead someone in the wrong
trip a traveling experience
troop a group of people, soldiers
trouble worry or difficulty
truck a vehicle to transport loads
vrai not false, agreeing with the facts
trust quality of a person who respects the laws
try to test
tube a round container
turn the act of changing direction
twice two times
tyre a round rubber covering for a wheel
under to a lower place or side
understand to know, get the meaning of
unit a thing, group, person as part of a whole
universe the whole world
unless if not, if it were not that
until up to the time of
up toward a higher position
upon on
urge a very strong desire
us form of “we”
use to put into action
valley low land between hills or mountains
value worth, importance
vary be subject to change
vegetable a plant grown to be eaten
vehicle a machine to carry passengers or goods on land
version a description from a personal point of view
very extremely
veto the right or power to forbid or reject
vicious mean, marked by vice
victim one affected or killed by accident, disease
victory the total defeat of an enemy
view the act of seeing something
violence rough force in action
visit to go to see for business or pleasure
voice a sound produced by humans
volume 1° the amount of a space
2° a sound level
vote a formal expression of choice
wage pay
wait to do nothing until something happens
walk to go on foot
wall an up and down structure of a building
want to desire
war open fighting carried out by armies between nations
warm more hot than cold
warn to signal of a possible danger
wash to clean with water or other liquid
waste to spend without need
watch 1° to look carefully
2° small clock
water a clear liquid necessary for life
wave 1° a”hill” of water that moves across the surface of a
2°signal with movement of the hand
way a line leading from one place to another
we plural of “I” (you and me)
weak lacking power
wealth much money or property
weapon an instrument used in wars
wear to have on the body as clothing
weather the condition of the atmosphere
week a period of seven days
weight to measure the weight
welcome to receive in a friendly way
well satisfactorily
west the direction of the sunset, opposite to east
wet covered with a liquid
what which thing, which one
wheat the substance with which you make bread
wheel a solid disk that turns , a car rests on four such disks
when at what time
where at what place
whether if it is so that
while 1° at the same time that
2° a period of time
white the color of snow or salt
who used to ask the name of a person
whole complete
why for what cause
wide opposite of narrow, filling much space from end to end
wife a married woman
wild living in the forest
will used for the future
win finish first in a race
wind air in motion
window a wall opening that admits light or air
wine a drink coming from a fruit with spirit in it, can make
you drunk
wing the part of a bird used in flying
winter the coldest of the four season in the North part of the
wire metal drawn out into a thin line
wise having knowledge and good judgment
wish to want
with in the company of
withdraw draw back
without not having
woman an adult female
wonder to have a wish or desire to know something
wood the hard substance of a tree
wool made from the hair of some animals
word an independent unit of language
work all forms of human activity towards a given result
world the earth
worry to feel uneasy
worse more bad
worth value or importance
wound an injury
wreck 1° a person without physical or mental health 2° a
machine totally out of order
write communicate by marking letters on a surface
wrong not right, bad
yard 1° a unit of length (=3 feet)
2° a piece of land enclosed for aspecial activity
year 12 months or 365 days
yellow the color of gold
yes expresses agreement
yesterday the day before today
yet up to the present time
you the person one is speaking to
young in an early period of life
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