Would anyone be interested in a free PowerPoint/Keynote made for academics? Features would be tailored toward encouraging good presentation / good communication and easing burden of things like references, and displaying complex ideas/figures:
* win/linux/mac no installation
* videos ALWAYS work
* built-in LaTeX
* templates and suggestions designed with Good Presentation practices in mind
* tools to "build up" complex figures / unhide parts
* tools for handing in-slide references nicely and easily
* import also svg and 3D obj
* fancy align/copy/distribute functions and animation functions (like copy shape and distribute Normally with radius X)
* syntax highlighting (R, python, c++...)
I searched around and there are really no alternatives out there for what I want. I'm toying around with an early prototype now (in those 5 minutes of free time between Sunday and Monday!)
To its credit, PowerPoint has built-in LaTeX support.