@liebook it is achieved using a program called glitchcat (just like cat, but with glitch animations), I found it in the AUR as glitchcat-git.
You can also find it on github: https://github.com/kuviman/glitchcat
After the install I just included this at the end of my .zshrc file (it could be in .bashrc instead y you use bash):
<pre>glitchcat -a 100 -d 600 -f 400 -g 100 -m HomoGlyphs ~/Imágenes/ASCII/lain/lain$(azar 1 7)</pre>
The "azar" function basically takes a random number between an interval, which I use to pic a random ASCII art text in a folder. It is defined as follows inside .zshrc:
<pre>function azar(){
echo $(((RANDOM % diferencia) + minimo))