So, according to the Times 'Britain mulls Swiss-style ties with Brussels'. Has nobody told the Tories that the EU does not want a 'Swiss-style' deal? And with the ERG threatening to bring the government down over any such deal, there is no point in the EU negotiating one.
@bullivant I think the EU wouldn't have minded a swiss style agreement. But, the UK didn't want freedom of movement. Also, the deal is signed, the negotiations are over. Why are the British still arguing over this? The EU has moved on.
@michael_h Michael, I think that the EU hates the Swiss deal because it is so cumbersome and is trying to streamline it. But yes, I agree, the deal has been signed so the UK should move on.
@michael_h Michael, I think that the EU hates the Swiss deal because it is so cumbersome and is trying to streamline it. But yes, I agree, the deal has been signed so the UK should move on.