#Emacs tabs questions:
1) How many tabs (not buffers) do you usually have open?
2) Are there a certain amount that you name for buffers you refer to several times a day?
3) What keybinds (if any) did you set to flip through them quickly?
4) Which tab system/package do you use?
5) If you use Mastodon.el, do you have a dedicated tab? More than one?
@ramin_hal9001 I use the same C-x b as well. 👍
I just like static access points for some files (such as todo.org, repeat.org, chatgpt, dashboard, etc...) things I refer to many times a day. I set it so that I can flip through the tabs very quickly back and forth so it's generally faster than C-x b and typing a few letters to bring up the relevant buffer. Also, flipping through them, I realise I lose track of things sometimes in my head and a visual reminder when I'm flipping through allows me to remember to do something on that buffer.