#Emacs tabs questions:
1) How many tabs (not buffers) do you usually have open?
2) Are there a certain amount that you name for buffers you refer to several times a day?
3) What keybinds (if any) did you set to flip through them quickly?
4) Which tab system/package do you use?
5) If you use Mastodon.el, do you have a dedicated tab? More than one?
1 - 4 to 6
2 - explain?
3 - none
4 - n/a
1) Cool
2) Like permanent ones you keep just one buffer open in, for example your daily todo.org, your daily notes, etc....
3) Your poor fingers. 🤣
4) Ok.
tabs i use: dashboard, either guile, tcl, prolog or raku programming window setup, scratchpad.org, notmuch mail, elfeed, weechat in vterm
FWIW i use (tab-bar-mode 1) in my init.el
with only 4 to 6 tabs i don't feel the need for extra keybindings, if i had a lot more open & i think many ppl do then i probably would have them, i use the trackpoint on my thinkpad for the tabs so my hands never leave the kb
@dekkzz76 That makes sense. Thanks.
I use the same tab-bar-mode myself, but I was looking into Centaur. Just curious about it. But I like the minimalism of the default tab bar. It's very thin and takes up barely any room.
@dekkzz76 Nice. 👍