#Emacs tabs questions:
1) How many tabs (not buffers) do you usually have open?
2) Are there a certain amount that you name for buffers you refer to several times a day?
3) What keybinds (if any) did you set to flip through them quickly?
4) Which tab system/package do you use?
5) If you use Mastodon.el, do you have a dedicated tab? More than one?
@natharari 1. Usually one "tab" (perspective) for a project or Emacs app.
2. I have dedicated perspectives for apps like EMMS, notmuch, telega.el, etc. Which I usually create at the start of the day and then refer to them during the session.
3. s-0..9 to switch EXWM workspaces, s-<, s-> to switch perspectives in a workspace.
4. perspective.el, EXWM, and a bunch of stuff on the top. For instance, I have a set of rules that auto-assign buffers to perspective / workspace depending on their mode.
I also wrote a package that allows for copying / moving perspectives between workspaces.
5. Yeah, one dedicated perspective for mastodon.el on workspace 0.
1) So, basically, just one single buffer with no tabs, right?
2) So perspectives replaces tabs for you. I used to do that too. It's a cool system. 👍
3) Nice.
4) I like that idea.
5) Yeah. I have one dedicated tab for it. It's useful that way.
I like your system a lot. It seems to reflect mine but with perspectives instead of tabs. Are there certain advantages for you in using perspectives instead of tabs? I'm curious.
@sqrtminusone I see. It makes sense. It's like tab grouping in Safari it seems.
I also didn't know that you can run Alacritty in Emacs?
@sqrtminusone Ah yes. Good point. I'm on a Mac and I use Warp terminal with AI built in so, I'll have to pass. 😀
@natharari You can run anything "in Emacs" with EXWM :D