I’m in CD 1 and would love to here takes.
@ryantmaloney And by other two candidates, I mean Gabe Amo and Sabina Matos. Other than that I don't think anyone else has a shot at winning this race.
Amo and Matos both have inspiring stories; Amo as the son of African immigrants becoming an aide to Obama, and Matos as an immigrant who has become lieutenant governor.
Matos has said great stuff about transforming our city. But I don't see any record of strong policy leadership from either on the issues that I car about. /2
@ryantmaloney Other than this, my main motivation in this race comes from my experiences w/ Regunberg and Cano.
Long before this seat opened up, Regunberg sought me out as an expert on the #energytransition to discuss policies and approaches to best combat the #climatecrisis. He really knows his stuff.
I experienced Cano joining her fellow senators to rubber-stamp Peter Alviti as heat of RIDOT. She completely ignored those of us in the transit and climate communities.
That sums it up./3/end
@ryantmaloney Let's start with priorities. For me, taking effective steps to combat the #climatecrisis must be the top priority. Therefore, the choice of Regunberg was an easy one.
My other qualification is that I think the Ruggerio political machine is bad for our state. Therefore I am opposed to Sandra Cano.
If you have other priorities, then you might have another take.
The only other two candidates w/ a shot at winning to me are far less notable. /1