Still one of the oldest #Python oddities I've ever seen 🐍🤔
>>> a = ([],)
>>> a[0] += ["what"]
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: 'tuple' object does not support item assignment
>>> a
Note that an exception was raised but the operation also worked! 😳 #pythonoddity
@treyhunner Surely there's at least one Mastodon instance that supports codeblocks, no?
Apparently full of `Markdown` is planned to be implemented at some point, and then
codeblocks will be possible!
@ampanmdagaba @treyhunner Yes, #QOTO does, which is what I'm on. The problem is that only other QOTO users or those on the (few, I assume) servers who support markdown will see it.
For example, this below will show as a proper code block to users, but only them, unfortunately
`print("I love markdown")`
@ampanmdagaba @treyhunner I did have the back ticks when I wrote it in markdown setting (which my editor/server has), and my toot was rendered like this for me and others on my server, but shows as plain text for others
@ampanmdagaba @treyhunner I somehow suspect that many servers will very soon shift to enabling markdown like does