No fear here.
I don't know why they're blowing this thing out of proportion, but for a little perspective:
"In 2017, there were more than 10 million cases of active TB which resulted in 1.6 MILLION deaths.[7] This makes it the number one cause of death from an infectious disease.[7] "
Why does COVID create panic buying when the far serious threat of TB go ignored? Where is the 24/7 news coverage of TB spread and death?
How many deaths from COVID? Certainly <10,000. Adjust your COVID fear level to match the data.
I understand that there had not been as much damage and casualties to Covid-19. However, it is still a new virus to all of us. We still don't know how it will mutate. Every new cases are a part of the currently expanding data and research.
I believe the fear is not being flown out of proportion. It is an urgent matter. However, I agree with you that some people's responses are out of proportion and irrational.