Just got OPNsense set up. If you're on TekSavvy DSL, following https://docs.opnsense.org/manual/how-tos/ipv6_dsl.html then restarting your router and disconnect/reconnect cycling LAN devices will WORK to get you IPv6 (you may need to toggle Firefox's DoH to get fallback working on https://ipv6-test.com/ )... but it won't get you ICMPv6. Follow https://homenetworkguy.com/how-to/configure-ipv6-opnsense-with-isp-such-as-comcast-xfinity/ for that but set "any" as the destination address instead of "WAN address" or it won't work. #ipv6 #opnsense #network #networking
@ssokolow I have never seen Firefox reliably respect happy eyeballs with DoH enabled in browser, something like 80% of all of our Firefox user agents in http request logs are IPv4 because of that issue despite having 100% v6 coverage
@rootbeerdan I will certainly grant that I have yet to figure out why my laptop's Firefox operates as "prefer IPv4 and fall back to IPv6 in under 1 second" rather than the "prefer IPv6 and fall back to IPv4 in under 1 second" like my desktop and how to fix it.
@rootbeerdan I consider Firefox's userChrome.css and extended version of the WebExtensions API non-negotiable... but I suppose I could turn off DoH on the laptop, since I've already got a VPN just a click away in my Networks plasmoid.