I think I never made a proper #introduction here so here it goes: I am a particle physicist working at the #ATLAS experiment at the #LHC at #CERN. Back in the day, I worked for the competition, at the #CMS experiment. I like the Higgs boson, the top quark and BSM searches that include them. I am also active in future Higgs factories, especially FCC-ee, and how we can use them to find new physics. #ScienceMastodon
revista de divulgación del Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía http://revista.iaa.es/content/portada/390/68
Short introduction:
I've moved here from 'the other place'. I'll toot in English and only on scientific topics, Literature and Arts.
Sparse toots, maybe once a week or so. This is kind of a billboard to showcase my research and hobbies, share stuff that interest me and be informed about other people's work.
Full professor of Earth Physics at UCLM, Toledo, Spain.
Earth Physics Professor at UCLM
Associate Editor of Atmospheric Research