@boris_steipe @kbkorb here's a functioning "app" online i made for us, i think it works for more than one entry at a time. hope you find this interesting ! would love to figure even more out with regards to certain things it can do well and talk about crowdsourcing https://cookup.ai/a/bibliography-jucn4woy/
@kbkorb @boris_steipe there is a thing where "more information is better" , i'd love to see your outputs (just share the url) to make it as good as i can get it
Except this last time it worked correctly. I'll retry the original input.
@kbkorb @boris_steipe here's what i get to convert APA into MLA https://cookup.ai/o/derwing-t-m-rossiter-m-j-munro-m-j-9jdhuf7vzq/
It worked correctly on that as well. So, it's not a reliably reproducible bug:)
@kbkorb @boris_steipe i guess the only solution is to keep using it 😉 and pass it around to folks that might like that sort of thing to test it out , go big on the text input, you can actually add quite a few references 🚀
Sure. Thanks.
@kbkorb @boris_steipe by the way the full prompt with user input in {{ }} is :
{{ Unstructured Bibliographic Entries }} convert to {{ MLA, APA, Chicago, Harvard , style }} and generate the BibTeX script for it
@tonic @boris_steipe
It only worked correctly for one entry for me.