@torq you see why hate crime laws should not exist
I don't, in fact, but I now know where your bar is set. Blasphemy is a victimless crime. Not all things defined as hate crimes are. Context matters.
And you've amply illustrated exactly why I have no interest in engaging with your sophistry.
I understand that you will have no idea what this means and will carry on thinking you've made some pithy, relevant point when you haven't at all. Which is fine; I fully understand why someone like you needs to do that. All the best with that.
@torq quite condescending aren't you?
I was only asking for an example of what you claimed.
It's not so much that I'm condescending as it is I'm just better than you.
That's bullshit and we both know it. You aren't anywhere near as clever as you seem to think you are.
Look, if this has turned into a last word thing for you to assuage your shattered ego, just say so. I'm obligated to respond because this is the reply thread to my comment. You are free to fuck off any time.
But I do understand how you might so desperately need the win, as hollow as it is, being the kind of person you seem to be. I can afford to be magnanimous in this regard.
@torq >I'm not interested in having a conversation [about my bold public assertions].
Have a good day then.