@lulu_powerful @weberam2 The nice thing about LazyVim is that you can have much more than your 3 main requirements with hardly any configuration at all:
- show available shortcuts as you type
- inline errors, warnings, types
- read docs, goto definition, find references
- code actions (refactor, easy fixes)
- formatting
- finding files, symbols, strings (fuzzy)
- debugging
- file tree browsing
- integrated git
@lulu_powerful @weberam2 I’ll be honest. I have been thinking about giving it a try, but the website is giving me doubts. It’s not like I have a ton of time to learn, and I’ve just been wondering of the wisdom in it for me.
I saw @lulu_powerful working through plug-in issues a while back and have been meaning to ask how it was going. Sounds positive.
@drhaywardj @weberam2 Thanks for remembering. :)
My plugin issues had a few causes:
- I was turning Vimscript examples into Lua (I didn't know either)
- I didn't truly understand LSP and how the moving parts (lspconfig, cmp) fit together
- Some plugins are a bit broken in Windows
I've since rewritten my config, and it was much easier. I also use a bash script to add/update/remove plugins rather than a plugin manager
@drhaywardj @weberam2 But yes, the first config was a major time sink. I became obsessed with it, to the detriment of more pertinent tasks. And, embarrassingly, I sometimes concealed how much time I was spending tweaking it, because I knew it was absurd.
@weberam2 Big fan of Tmux as well and the kitty terminal. Which features of LazyVim did you find useful and/or enjoy?
Actually, LazyVim is the one I've settled on as it has been the easiest to get up and running and to figure out how to config myself. I started with NVchad, then Kickstart, and Cyber... and maybe some others
But LazyVim has been the best
@weberam2 wdym "trying"? Have been using it as my primary editor for more than a decade now and get annoyed every time I *have* to use vs code. :D
@weberam2 Oh I love neovim as my IDE, probably not going back to other stuff any time soon. The learning is a bit steep, but trust me you will be a productivity beast when you get your workflow together. Good luck!
@weberam2 I am using #neovim as an IDE of sorts. :)
I have fairly basic needs e.g. I don't need absolutely all the tabs and panes in the IDEs. My three main requirements are code completion, linting and REPL.
And yes, it has been frustrating - but the feeling when you can finally glide through your workflow without friction is just unbeatable. :)