@toddtyrtle Zach has long covid so I've been wanting to get him a Garmin to help him avoid crashes. I'd never actually seen the body batter graphs so wasn't entirely sure how useful it would be. Judging by what you've shown in your blog, looks great and could make a real difference for him!
@ADupuis Here's an example of the impact of exercise and, to a lesser extent, stress. All the stress values are still low (blue is resting so relaxed but active). Bike ride was about 1:20 and average of 160 bpm so pretty intense.
@toddtyrtle That is so cool, now I want one, ha!
@toddtyrtle Crashes happen if he overdoes things when he's feeling good, so the body battery can help him know when he needs to slow down or maybe lie down for a bit. It's been 2 years and recovery is slow with a lot of setbacks. Which model did you get?
@ADupuis Oh *CRASH* Yes. I was thinking crash as in falling down. But yes, that makes sense now. And yeah - I could see this being helpful.
I went for a Fenix 7 - but no solar or "Sapphire" model - didn't need all that. Battery will apparently record a 50+ hour ride without solar so I'm good.
@ADupuis Oh and I just looked - there are lots of other models with that function:
@toddtyrtle I was considering the venu sq 2 for the health snapshot. Have you used that feature?
@ADupuis I have - can't send a screenshot easily as it's several pages but includes a 2 min snapshot of : HR, Heart Rate Variability (RMSSD/SDRR - not sure what that means), Pulse Oximeter, respiration rate and stress values. HR, SPO2, Respiration and Stress have both raw data and 2 min average.
Ooh - and I just noticed that all data can be exported to CSV so you can play with it even more.
@toddtyrtle EXPORTED TO CSV?!!!?! Why don't they lead with that!
@ADupuis Ah wait a min. Charts with export have *daily* data but it looks like you have to ask for your whole archive to get detailed data. I'll have to dig more on that one. That's too bad. I'd have loved the data on that one chart I shared.
@toddtyrtle Keep me posted. Not entirely sure if you should thank me for setting you on this road or if I should apologize, ha!
@ADupuis It is really good that way. I'm fascinated with all the data it gives me. Some of it is better quality than others I'm sure. Wrist-based heart rate is OK but SPO2 readings seem a little wonky at times so I only use that on demand.
Sorry to hear about Zach - that's awful. May he feel better soon.
I'm not sure how it would help to avoid crashes but mine will call someone if it detects that *I've* had a crash so that's really good.