RT @vera_tenacious@twitter.com
"The group Urgency for Normal published a National Post article that misinforms, denying grave risks from lax school protections."
Article by Dr. S. Kuo, Dr. C Applewhaite, Kerri Coombs and @Protect_BC@twitter.com, Nov 21/22, @TheTyee@twitter.com
#COVID19 #SARSCoV2 #cdnpoli
@toddtyrtle Keep me posted. Not entirely sure if you should thank me for setting you on this road or if I should apologize, ha!
@toddtyrtle EXPORTED TO CSV?!!!?! Why don't they lead with that!
@toddtyrtle I was considering the venu sq 2 for the health snapshot. Have you used that feature?
@toddtyrtle That is so cool, now I want one, ha!
@toddtyrtle Crashes happen if he overdoes things when he's feeling good, so the body battery can help him know when he needs to slow down or maybe lie down for a bit. It's been 2 years and recovery is slow with a lot of setbacks. Which model did you get?
@toddtyrtle Zach has long covid so I've been wanting to get him a Garmin to help him avoid crashes. I'd never actually seen the body batter graphs so wasn't entirely sure how useful it would be. Judging by what you've shown in your blog, looks great and could make a real difference for him!
If it’s not stated already, I’ll just put this out into the mastodon sphere - we should care about long COVID and do more to investigate it
I support masking. Like. A lot. And vaccinations.
best way to protect yourself is not get infected in the first place
good public health puts equity as the core mission
COVID is serious and still ongoing
RT @Globalbiosec@twitter.com
Kids have significantly higher risk of cardiac, neurological and other disorders after #COVID19 #LongCovid See blue dots on left. If the estimate does not cross 1, it is significantly raised. #children https://dx.plos.org/10.1371/journal.pmed.1004122
: https://twitter.com/Globalbiosec/status/1590811026135875584
Biostatistician, Cyclist, Dancer
Toronto, ON, Canada