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Health Insurance Claim Denied?
See What Insurers Said Behind the Scenes

When a #health #insurance company is deciding whether to pay for your #medical treatment, the company generates a file around your claim.

All the records associated with your case should be part of your file. This includes documents explaining the reasons your claim was denied.

You have a right to see this file.

Learn how to request it:

#HealthCare #Hospitals #Doctors

Link to unsealed indictment for — 13 counts, including wire fraud, unlawful monetary transactions, theft of public money, unemployment , and materially false statements on his House disclosure reports.

Since this is not a matter of "if" but rather "when"...

Which of these things will happen first?

"Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas changed his position on one of America’s most significant regulatory doctrines after his wife reportedly accepted secret payments from a shadowy conservative network pushing for the change."

Yup. Thomas's rulings are nowhere near as consistent as his defenders claim. E.g., his arbitration rulings bear no resemblance to his stated jurisprudence.

In the UK they are stopping people who are wearing a mask from voting. It’s unacceptable to exclude high risk people from democracy.

Donald Trump Built a National Debt So Big (Even Before the Pandemic) That It’ll Weigh Down the Economy for Years

He promised to reduce the national debt but instead increased it. It is now at its highest level relative to the U.S. economy since the end of World War II

This is one of his lesser known but profoundly damaging legacies, the explosive rise in the national debt that occurred on his watch.

#usa #politics #debtceiling #gop

Now ~$36 billion.
RT @steventdennis
In Desk 88, Sherrod Brown's book about progressives who sat at his desk before him, he warned Trump-era deregulation of midsized banks "will result in a much higher chance of economic disaster, meaning more exposure for taxpayers."
The banking crisis has cost FDIC ~$23B so far.

Via nerve haver:

literally every emergency preparedness guide: "make sure you have a backup supply of essential medications!"

american health insurance companies when you try to refill a prescription at any time other than right before you run out: "lmao no"

#Eggwhites can be transformed into a material capable of #filtering #microplastics from #seawater Sehmus Ozden et al, Egg protein derived ultralightweight hybrid monolithic aerogel for #waterpurification, Materials Today (2022). DOI: 10.1016/j.mattod.2022.08.001

As Rail Profits Soar, Blocked Crossings Force Kids to Crawl Under Trains to Get to School

When crossings are blocked for hours, kids risk their lives to get to school by crawling through trains that could start at any moment.

Ambulances and fire trucks can’t get through. The problem has existed for decades. But it’s getting worse.

#Railroad #Safety #Kids #Rail #School

"'It is a live, on-the-wall anthology that is not duplicated anywhere in the country, as far as we know, where writing is treated as being just as important as any other art form.'" If it goes, thank the Republican 2024 convention?

11,339,168 accounts
+1,348 in the last hour
+26,338 in the last day
+219,314 in the last week

Darrell Night, who exposed Canada police freezing deaths scandal, dies at 56
Cree man helped reveal practice of ‘starlight tours’ in which Saskatoon police drove Indigenous people out of city and abandoned them in sub-zero temperatures. #cdnpoli

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