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Week 1: We will finally bring free speech to the Internet

Week 8: Linktree is illegal

Coming up on the show from 3-6p eastern today… Congresswoman Zoe Lofgren and Congressman Joaquin Castro plus suspended twitter journalists @donieosullivan and @w7voa as well as @mollyjongfast SE Cupp, Jefferson Morley, Mike Isaac, Bill Weir, Chloe Melas, and Brad Hendrickson - American helping civilians in Ukraine. See you soon!

Every news outlet should stand up a Mastondon instance for their reporters & staff.

It’ll be great to see or whatever domain they want to use.

Built in verification. Every reporter for the Washington Post on a washpo domain. Every reporter for the New York Times on an NYTimes domain. Etc, etc.

Plus the “local” feed for each instance becomes a feed of all the posts from that institution mixed together — providing extra discovery.

If you're trying to find journalists on Mastodon, I've created a verified database of several hundred here: Since the backlog has become enormous, the unverified waiting list is now public also:

another interesting idea is to deactivate/reactivate your account a lot. That's a heavyweight operation because it has to archive and unarchive the graph edges, and graph operations are complicated and often have high constant factors.

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People are claiming Elon Musk lied about those journalists revealing his location but to be fair they did all reveal that his head is up his ass

This is such an obvious point but it is so hilarious to me that Elon's free-speech crusade on Twitter lasted all of six weeks before he started indiscriminately banning reporters. Like what an all-time hilarious business story

Money can't buy happiness or class (you know how to behave as a grown-up). I have been on the Internet for longer than Elon. You have to let go of certain things. Banning links, accounts, and stuff is for MODs and not for the world's 2nd richest person. Seek help, man. Don't play a childish game.

Just signed up for Mastodon. Hope it doesn’t become a dumpster fire like twitter. This feels like that movie where the humans have to go find another planet suitable for life after messing things up on earth.

This is wild. This is just a short list of prominent journalists suspended from Twitter for the “crime” of being critical of Mu$k. They didn’t promote violence, misinformation, or any form of hate. They simply were critical of his policies. And for their simple criticism—they got suspended.

This is your so-called free speech champion who will save humanity. 🙄

Stop trusting billionaires. Start taxing them.

So... Elon just posted on Twitter a video of the guy he claims is his stalker, which includes a very clear shot of the guy's license plate. Which I'm pretty, pretty sure violates Twitter's NEW policies on doxing.

Yes, stalking is bad, but, hey, this is the policy you were literally talking about!

I blurred out the license plate, but it's clear in the video.

Twitter Meta 

I’ve found that instead of occasionally checking Twitter to see what kind of new stupidity has happened, visiting achieves the same result much faster

Why is IPv6 such a failure? Is it next to impossible to go with IPv6? I tried recently, and half of the stuff doesn't work. Beyond our tech bubble, most people don't care about it. Even many service/API providers avoid it. Is IPv6 hard to understand? Is compatibility the issue because of legacy devices and apps? What is going on?

Jorge Schaulsohn y negociación constitucional: “El triunfo del Rechazo le devolvió la sensatez a los políticos chilenos” #Entrevistas

12 puntos claves del nuevo proceso constitucional, que concluirá con un plebiscito en diciembre de 2023 #Política

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Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.