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Andy Lowry boosted

Apple implementing iMessage previews for Mastodon is a pretty good sign that the network has “made it”. I guess we’re relevant enough now. Hurray! (?)

Andy Lowry boosted

In America, they say the only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun.

But that just sounds like someone trying to sell two guns.

Andy Lowry boosted

TIL that the Band of Horses track that I have loved so much for years isn't singing about Profiteroles but The Funeral. "Every day I'll be ready for profiteroles..." still hits better IMO

Andy Lowry boosted
Andy Lowry boosted

Bunch of new followers so I guess I should do one of those #introduction things.

👋🏼 I’m Tim, an iOS Engineer who works on the Music App at Apple.

I’m currently located in Barcelona. I mostly post about tech things, films, and books. And maybe some other stuff in between.

Andy Lowry boosted

Fox News Loses Bid To Shut Down Voting Tech Company's Multibillion-Dollar Lawsuit | Smartmatic accuses the conservative network of spreading lies that it helped “steal” the 2020 election from Donald Trump.

#trump #conservative #foxnews

Andy Lowry boosted

Apropos everything, I’m reminded of this from Douglas Adams:

1. Anything that is in the world when you’re born is normal and ordinary and is just a natural part of the way the world works.

2. Anything that’s invented between when you’re fifteen and thirty-five is new and exciting and revolutionary and you can probably get a career in it.

3. Anything invented after you’re thirty-five is against the natural order of things.

Andy Lowry boosted

The most talked-about recent technological innovations are:

1) Social media, which empowered fascists, & gave everyone else the attention span of a gnat.

2) Cryptocurrency, which enriched a handful of rich grifters, & impoverished people who really couldn't afford to lose the money.

3) "AI", which looks set to "flood the zone" with a novel kind of bullshit, & destroy once & for all our ideas of what is real or true.

I'm pro-tech, but it's all starting to look like a bit of a mixed blessing.

Andy Lowry boosted
Andy Lowry boosted

Twitter people are apparently, probably inevitably, using the implosion of as an example of why Mastodon doesn't work.

In my opinion, the end of is a good example why only one guy shouldn't be in charge of something important.

You'd think Twitter people would get that.

Andy Lowry boosted
Andy Lowry boosted

RT @shinkir013
Kymeta to replace Starlink in Ukraine. Pentagon is setting up deal & other NATO countries will join.

Kymeta calls @elonmusk's Ukraine actions ‘egregious’ and 'there’s blood on his hands for that'. They will support SAT services for defensive purposes.

Andy Lowry boosted

Margaret Atwood responds to the banning of "The Handmaid's Tale" from a high school library.

"How dare I question the school board’s motives? I do dare. After all, it has questioned mine."

Andy Lowry boosted
Andy Lowry boosted

Dear journalists who persist in supporting a company whose sociopath CEO loathes you: Here's his latest expression of contempt.

OK, back to business as usual...

Andy Lowry boosted
Andy Lowry boosted

People don't fake depression, they fake being okay. Remember that and be kind.

Andy Lowry boosted

Hi ! New to Mastodon, and flailing around a bit. I am totally blind and still adjusting even though it has been over 4 years. Previously I lived aboard my boat for over 10 years. I am a civil engineer/creative writer/Moth Storyteller.
#introductions #blind #liveaboard

Andy Lowry boosted

There is a political dynamic we all get, but that the mass public does yet understand.

Mastodon has cleaved from the monopoly sites a small but significant userbase. And here, we are able to *organize*. Because of the size of the community.

On ALL of those other sites, whether #Peertube #PixelFed #Lemmy, etc ... there simply aren't enough users to reach critical mass.

But there are here.

Here on Mastodon is a PURPOSE that has attracted a large user community.

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Andy Lowry boosted

Timeline of a new Mastodon user:

Day 1: this sucks servers are confusing and why is my feed empty

Day 2: why is there no quote tweet this is dumb

Day 3: mastodon better make some changes if it wants to compete with tw_tter

Day 7: hm, people are really nice here

Day 10: loving the no ads and real conversations



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Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.