@maleve is it just me or is it weird we're not hearing anything about the threat #H5N1 poses to Rich People's Yacht Money ⛵?
After the handling of the COVID emergency, many people (including myself) are probably more concerned over $10 McDonald's hamburgers or $20 cartons of eggs than some weirdly misplaced preoccupation with the public's well-being... I honestly can't imagine CDC or FDA imposed "restrictions" coming back in any shape or form to protect the people.
Your question really made me think, and I have a theory that ties into something I've been noticing.
The H5N1 story is actually good for Rich People's Yacht Money.
Rather than a doomer news cycle of COVID and climate change there's this new hot topic and it hasn't actually happened. It's a theoretical, and it reminds people that they need to live life today, because something worse might be coming.
I've been surprised at the extent that people have taken their eyes off of COVID to look at H5N1. One is a raging 5 alarm fire, and one's storm clouds on the horizon with maybe some distant rumbling thunder.
Every day you wake up you're either 1 day or 100 years from the next pandemic, and that's been true every day of your life and will likely be for the rest of your life.
For sure, but, bailouts are always more convenient for our politicians than any other solution.