@StillIRise1963 Does it have babies? The ones that live in our yard usually do in the spring. They are the cutest!
They *are* cute, but I have to say, my cabin in the woods was sagging a little bit suddenly, and I just found out a giant ground hog tunnel went right under a line of piers underneath it. $11,000 to jack up the cabin last week and re-set the piers and now I don't love them quite as much as I did two weeks ago 😅
This winter in the frost one morning I found a bobcat paw print near one of their holes. I might be on team bobcat now 😂
@BE We actually saw a young bobcat take down a groundhog in our yard a couple years ago. Real-life nature documentary! 😦 @StillIRise1963
@StillIRise1963 It seriously was. @BE
Whoa! I've seen the paw print, but, even with a few cameras out there I haven't seen a bobcat yet. They're pretty elusive.
@BE They are! Apparently, though, this was a young one. I emailed our state's department of wildlife about it, and they told me that young ones can be more visible as they figure things out. Haven't seen one since.@StillIRise1963
That's cool. I hope to not stumble on a murder scene, but, I have been hoping to get a glimpse of the one I found the paw print for. Based on the size of the paw print it's a young one, too, I think.
@StillIRise1963 Coyotes, maybe? @BE
@StillIRise1963 Maybe? Wolves are coming back east, I've heard. @BE
@BE It was really cool to see. Its hunting stance was quite similar to a domestic cat. Wiggly butt and everything. But then the murder part--not as cute. @StillIRise1963
@StillIRise1963 It was. I had to turn away once the killing started. (We didn't try to stop it; cat's gotta eat. When we looked again a while later, there was no sign anything had happened.) @BE
@StillIRise1963 😀😀😀 Most likely. @BE
@BE 🤣 My dog comes very close to sticking her nose in those holes. I’m on constant surveillance.