Teil 2
RT @Erkperk
Wow. I wrote a text in google docs about what I've seen in ADSB/AIS databases, and then it took less than a minute to open a Substack account and cut/paste it all in and publish. Links seem to work. Do they? This is just a test. https://anderssonerik.substack.com/p/aircraft-and-vessels-in-seymour-hershs?sd=pf
RT @GarlandNixon
'I'll pardon Julian Assange': US Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr makes big promise https://www.msn.com/en-in/money/topstories/i-ll-pardon-julian-assange-us-presidential-candidate-robert-f-kennedy-jr-makes-big-promise/ar-AA1aFBNG
RT @anarchopazifist
Letzte Nacht offenbar ein Anschlag mit zwei Drohnen auf den #Kreml. Laut Quelle unten, habe Putins Pressestelle geäußert, dass die Drohnen abgewehrt worden seien. Auf Telegram kursieren 2 unverifizierte Videos, die dieser Aussage widersprechen. Missglücktes #Attentat oder… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1653734737628876800
RT @schabadabada
Warum lässt die Bundesregierung dieses gigantische Projekt zu?
"Der Bund beteiligt sich mit 151 Millionen Euro an den Planungskosten."
@SevimDagdelen @SWagenknecht https://www.swr.de/swraktuell/rheinland-pfalz/kaiserslautern/baustelle-krankenhaus-weilerbach-ramstein-us-armee-100.html
Odessa 2.Mai 2014
#niewiederFaschismus #niewieder #Faschismus #fcknzs #Odessa2014 #OdessaMassacre #Odessa
RT @BenjaminNorton
De-dollarization grows by the day:
The central banks of South Korea and Indonesia just signed a memorandum of understanding to cooperate on promoting the use of their own currencies for bilateral transactions https://www.reuters.com/markets/currencies/south-korea-indonesia-cbanks-agree-promote-local-currency-transactions-2023-05-02/
RT @nafortsa
Die jungen Molotowcocktailbauer am 2. Mai 2014 in #Odessa. Durch den Brand im Gewerkschafthaus wurden an diesem Tag 48 prorussische Ukrainer durch Nationalisten des Rechten Sektors ermordet.
RT @KitKlarenberg
Many interesting takeouts from The Times' April 29th report "Ukraine isn’t ready for its big offensive, but it has no choice" (https://archive.is/Dsps5) but this excerpt quite remarkable for acknowledging areas recaptured in September were essentially abandoned by Russian forces.
RT @cdnfp
@KevorkAlmassian Sullivan is among the 5 "intervention entrpreneurs" carried over from previous conflicts all of whom were also engaged in the collapse of Kiev's government in 2014: https://peacediplomacy.org/2022/01/28/the-russia-west-standoff-locked-into-war/ @SeymourHersh
RT @KevorkAlmassian
Today, I revisited the investigation of Seymour Hersh into the bombing of Nord Stream pipelines and I noticed the name "Jake Sullivan" that Hersh says played a prominent role in plotting the September 2022 sabotage against the Russo-European pipelines.
When I checked the name… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1653381639764860930
Anarchy in Germany
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