In my exciting weekend plans I have finally finished sorting a bunch of through hole resistors I bought awhile back:
@Blenster beautiful. I got about 14 in and quit lol. Still on my todo list. Inspired to see a completed sortment.
@benhencke that's about how far I got the first time; then I found Babylon 5 on HBO Max and that made it easier.
@Blenster that is a lot of resistors!
@ExplodingLemur hopefully I never find myself wishing I could find one of X value somewhere short notice again. :-D
@Blenster @ExplodingLemur I give the 10k slot a week.
@integgroll @ExplodingLemur not going to lie I've thought about buying a bunch more for a few slots. 4.7k as well.
@Blenster @ExplodingLemur Yeah, the upside though, you should have enough of a supply that you can keep working through the shipping time on the new stock.
@Blenster whats wrong with the standard way of sorting them; put all of the bags in a box 😁
@Straiit it was one box with all the resistors sitting together. No bags or protection. It was a tangled mess.
@Blenster I am very impressed, I will probably never get out of the chaos stage 😂
@Blenster I admire your commitment 🤯 I struggle to stick to my sorting my multiplier.