Trans Rights are Human Rights.
Please remember to be kind to our trans friends and family.
They're enduring so much these days; they need our help.
@dubiago I mostly agree and I try to do a lot of outreach to folks who want to learn how to do better or why somethings are important but at the same time we cannot allow kindness to be the excuse we use to allow those who wish to do harm to do said harm.
There is a balance and where exactly that line is I don't know but I'm doing my best.
@dubiago I totally agree; I just wanted to be clear on that point because I have seen people co-opting "kindness" to excuse bad behavior.
@Blenster Kindness doesn't mean not kowtowing to injustice. I think it's sad that we live in a world where people find the two to be diametrically opposed when, in all actuality, they're not.