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Multi-Tasking with Multi-Channel LED Illumination
Check out our sponsored post from CoolLED on how their latest LED system, the pE-800, can be used for a wide range of applications including FRET, optogenetics and calcium imaging.

Die Unterstellung, Wissenschaftler seien von der Pharmalobby/Illuminaten/dunklen Mächten "gekauft" könnte man ja als übertriebene aber rationale Vorsicht vor demokratisch nicht legitimierten Kräften sehen. Bis dieselben Leute Parteien voll ok finden, die von Moskau gekauft sind.

@flarion Bleibt die Frage: Sind Professoren, die nie selbst in der Industrie gearbeitet haben, wirklich qualifiziert, Postdocs für die Industrie zu befähigen? Nein. In der Regel muss das der Postdoc selbst erledigen, indem sie sich nützliche skills beibringt u. über den Tellerrand schaut. Das alles neben den Anforderungen der Wissenschaft. Das neue #WissZeitVG zwingt Unis nicht, zu entfristen. Resultat: Noch mehr Verheizung, Verschrottung von #postdocs. Also aufpassen, daß nix im #burnout endet.

If your door doesn't have a sign like this, do you even science, bro?!

Get it from my store:

*once again, I stand here as a small business owner and ask you to boost my shenanigans so that I may afford food and shelter.

Bleisatz am Abend

Neue Schrift in der Setzergasse: Heute im Zuge der Fraktur-Ächtung von Unkundigen, aber auf Distinktion Bedachten als Nazi-Schrift missdeutet, war sie als allseits beliebte Auszeichnungs- und Werbeschrift ein bekanntes Gesicht der Weimarer Demokratie.

Sagt Hallo zur Wiking, 1925

The work is never just “the work” : A deep dive on why projects always take longer and a framework to improve future estimation by Dave Stewart

Wäre freundlich zu anderen Leuten sein nicht für uns alle auf lange Sicht viel weniger anstrengend?

When you download an academic paper in PDF form (from say, arXiV), how do you decide on the file name?

What matters to you? Full paper titles? "et al" author names? Publication date?

I'm never sure how to name these files...

#Academia #Research #Science #OpenScience #arXiv #Preprints #AcademicResearch

Eine sehr lehrreiche Woche in der Ukraine, die sich anfühlt wie ein Monat, ist jetzt vorbei. Ich war in Lwiw, Kyiv und Odessa. In Odessa gab es in der Nacht einen Angriff der Russen mit Shahed-Drohnen. Obwohl die meisten von der Flugabwehr abgeschossen werden konnten, traf eine Drohne ein Wohnhaus 12 km entfernt von meinem Hotel und tötete dort laut Berichten insgesamt 10 Menschen. Russland führt Krieg gegen Europa und nicht nur gegen die Ukraine. Wenn wir sie nicht stoppen, geht es so weiter.

Hello fediverse.

Quick check in.

Going into year 5 of the age of SARS-CoV-2, to your knowledge you have been infected:

Please boost for larger sample size.
#CovidIsNotOver @novid #COVID19

The Cloud now has a greater carbon footprint than the airline industry. A single data center can consume the equivalent electricity of 50,000 homes. #ai #climatechange #climatecrisis

Registrations for SMLMS2024 are now open! Happening between Lisbon and Oeiras, on August 28th-30. We have an exciting lineup of speakers, including keynotes from Jonas Ries, Melike Lakadamyali and W. E. Moerner. Gorgeous settings ☀️🌊🏄‍♀️🔬.
Looking forward to seeing you in Portugal!

The #ProtonPrivacyReadingList is back!

If you’re not a cybersecurity professional but you’re looking to dive deeper into the subject, our friend Christina Morillo has you covered.

She edited and curated “97 Things Every Information Security Professional Should Know in 2021”, authored “The Future of Security,” and has more in the works:

Kleiner Reminder für alle Abgeordneten der Parteien mit "C" für "Christlich" im Namen:

Google announced that starting in June 2024, ad blockers such as #uBlock Origin will be disabled in Chrome 127 and later with the rollout of Manifest V3 (#Mv3).

The new #Chrome manifest will prevent using custom filters and stops on demand updates of blocklist. Only #Google authorized updates to browser extension will be allowed in the future, which mean an automatic win for Google in their battle to stop YouTube #AdBlockers .

#ManifestV3 is deceitful and threatening to your privacy, and now is a good time to switch to #Firefox (@mozilla) and/or #TorBrowser (@torproject) if you haven't done so already!

EFF (@eff) on Google’s Manifest V3:


Chrome Manifest V3 Transition Timeline (2023-11-16)


Camembert is an endangered species! It relies on a mold that had lost the ability to reproduce sexually... and now, thanks to inbreeding, this mold has also lost the ability to reproduce using spores. Roquefort is also in trouble, but for Camembert it's worse:

"The world over, this other symbol of French gastronomy is inoculated exclusively with one single strain of Penicillium camemberti, a white mutant that was selected for Brie cheeses in 1898 and Camemberts in 1902.

The problem is that ever since then the strain has been replicated by vegetative propagation only. Until the 1950s, Camemberts still had grey, green or in some cases orange-tinged moulds on their surface. But the industry was not fond of these colours, considering them unappealing, and staked everything on the albino strain of P. camemberti, which is completely white and moreover has a silky texture. This is how Camembert acquired its now-characteristic pure white rind.

Year after year, generation after generation, the albino strain of P. camemberti, which was already incapable of sexual reproduction, lost its ability to produce asexual spores. As a result it is now very difficult for the entire industry to obtain enough P. camemberti spores to inoculate their production of the famous Norman cheese.

Worse still, while the Roquefort PDO (Protected Designation of Origin) standard retains a degree of microbial biodiversity, the PDO specifications for Camembert require farmers and other producers to use P. camemberti exclusively."

What to do about it? Read on....


Proton for Business got major new features in 2023 – and there’s more on the way.

📤 SMTP submission
📨 Automatic email forwarding
💻 New desktop apps
🔒 Advanced account protection
🧑‍💻 Admin controls
🌐 VPN for business
🔑 Password Manager

Read the thread for more details. ⬇️

There are times I realize how much of an influence Terry Pratchett has had on my life.

#TerryPratchett #Ethics #Morality #philosophy

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Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
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