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How the Roberts SCOTUS operates as the judicial arm of the GOP 

"In 12 of the 13 lower court rulings vacated by the justices in the past 22 months, the court erased decisions that seemed to align with progressive values and objectives."

This #SCOTUS doesn't hide it's functioning as judicial arm of the GOP. #expandSCOTUS

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Construction on the world’s biggest eye on the sky, ESO’s Extremely Large Telescope (#ELT) continues at the summit of Cerro Armazones in the Chilean Atacama Desert.

This gargantuan instrument will enable direct detections of #exoplanets around the nearest stars to the Sun, enabling the study of their atmospheric compositions and prospects for #habitability.


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On my podcast "Theory of Change," we had a great discussion with Chris Lehmann and Jacob Silverman about how Elon Musk is a perfect example of libertarian radicalization.

Once a loose idea-set for low-information rich white people, libertarianism has become dramatically more authoritarian in recent years:

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Everywhere the Russians retreat they leave behind evidence of atrocities and murder; on their way out they also looted homes, offices and museums and destroyed power stations, taking down electricity, running water, heat and phone service. Europe has seen nothing like this since 1945

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Just Stop Oil stage disruptive protests because the media and public totally ignore protests like this one last week when scientists protested government buildings, warning human society is at risk. If the media covered these protests Just Stop Oil wouldn’t exist


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NEW 📢: CIRA teams up with Mastodon Canada to support Canadian digital communities. Learn more about our partnership here:

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Government official tells Senate committee on Bill C-11 there is no intent of creating a Cancon definition for user content. But with discoverability regulations for user content platforms, Canadian digital creators would be effectively de-prioritized in their own country.

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Big polluters given almost €100bn in free carbon permits by EU.
Free allowances ‘in direct contradiction with the polluter pays principle’, WWF report says.
#climate #climatechange #pollution

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Don’t Fall Into The Well: New social media networks put a lot of work into onboarding you with cool features. But what truly matters is what those networks look like over time—and open looks better than closed.


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This fact check is pretty good. tl;dr: water vapor amplifies warming from CO2 but does not cause warming. This is consistent with the IPCC's conclusion that all modern warming is likely due to humans.

Water vapour global warming claim is all steam

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In the last two years, many of the country's largest law enforcement agencies have changed who responds to emergencies that aren't a public safety threat - using trained specialists or community members over police. Thanks the San Diego Tribune for covering our study.

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I hear new people noting how chill, tolerant, and pleasant Mastodon is.

Mastodon isn’t chill or tolerant or pleasant. It’s a tool… a foundation on which to create and maintain a culture.

It’s those who’ve been on Mastodon, run servers, and served as admins who did the hard work and created the culture you now enjoy.

Now, it’s your turn. The only way it stays tolerant and chill is by us doing the work to keep it that way.

A good example of, “Be the change you wish to see in the world.”

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Applications are open for our *paid* summer internship program at Princeton University and NOAA GFDL!

➡️ Apply:

I’ll be mentoring for one of the research projects on using GFDL’s latest climate model experiments (“large ensembles”) - please reach out if you have any questions! #OpenScience

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Arctic sea ice 

Arctic sea ice area drops 8 places to 7th lowest in just two days

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A lot of the folks who became climate deniers started out fighting air pollution regulations, and never really left that fight. I wrote something about it for Rolling Stone, but my editor there left, took it to The Guardian and editor there left too, so it sat. Last week I realized the main guy in the story I'd been working on is at the same org as the folks suddenly fighting renewables again. So many zombie arguments! Finally decided to just publish it:

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Braid: Sovereignty Act will be unveiled Tuesday to a public not yet convinced

Good luck AB! The FEDs have a much bigger sledgehammer. QC also took a huge hit to the economy with their nonsense that took them decades to recover from as head offices moved to Ontario!

"Smith’s bill goes a long step further. It will enable retribution against existing federal laws and measures either through refusal to comply or more specific actions."

#ableg #abpoli #cdnpoli

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#OnThisDay, 28 Nov 1967, PhD student Jocelyn Bell Burnell discovers the existence of pulsars.

Not included in the 1974 Nobel prize for the discovery, Bell received a £3m prize for her work in 2018. She's using it to set up a foundation to improve diversity in STEM.

#WomenInSTEM #Histodons #ScienceHistory

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