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If direct air removal costs $500 per tonne, removing just US emissions would cost ~$3 trillion annually (that's ~4x US military spending).

It would also require twice the total power generation capacity of the US today (and it has to be carbon-free).

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From a survey of #climate and #environmental researchers in #Canada: "Almost half of respondents said they limited their communications with the public and policymakers due to fears of negative backlash and reduced career opportunities."

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"COP28 nations agreed to ‘transition’ from fossil fuels. That’s too slow, experts say" by Carolyn Gramling for @ScienceNews

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Trees are great but not as #climate solutions in a world where we’re emitting more than 37 billion tonnes of CO₂ from fossil fuels annually.

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17 December 1941 | A Dutch Jewish girl, Alice van Thijn, was born in Amsterdam.

She probably perished during a transport from #Westerbork to #Auschwitz in February 1944.

#Auschwitz #Birkenau #Holocaust #Shoah #Jews #history #histodons #Nazis #Germany #NeverForget #ww2 #Memorial #Remember #memory #otd #facts

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Collecting anecdotes, data, and anecdata on people and orgs who’ve left Twitter and found higher engagement from ostensibly fewer followers. This is in preparation for a renewed pitch to the org I’m in, to begin the process of x-trication. Boosts appreciated!

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11 December 1903 | A Czech Jewish woman, Nely Königová, was born in Prague.

She was deported to #Auschwitz from #Theresienstadt ghetto on 19 October 1944. She did not survive.

#Auschwitz #Birkenau #Holocaust #Shoah #Jews #history #histodons #Nazis #Germany #NeverForget #ww2 #Memorial #Remember #memory #otd #facts

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Wow, the last three months have really shattered the previous September to November temperature record for our planet...

Using data from ECMWF ERA5 reanalysis at

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People with a special interest in climate change and climate crisis may appreciate our efficient regular compendium "SkS Weekly Climate Change & Global Warming News Roundup."

Our 49th edition for 2023 provides ledes and links for 28 items. This week's coverage is of course heavily dominated by COP28. But our main highlight is about an intriguing tool from #CarbonBrief helping to understand pathways to meeting the Paris Agreement goal.


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Surprising no one, #ElonMusk will bring back Alex Jones to the Dead Bird Site.

I guess when he tweeted this, he was lying.

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"Germans still struggle with the stink of a leader who referred to his political opponents as “vermin” and promised he was going to “root them out.” Who attacked the press because they told the truth about him. Who played on and amplified people’s fear of “the other.” You will, too, for generations after Trump himself has shuffled off this mortal coil."

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Donald Trump defended comments he made last week where he said he wanted to be a dictator if re-elected only on “day one” in office.

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10 December 1905 | A Pole, Piotr Słomski, was born in Nowa Wieś. A judge.

In Auschwitz from 28 March 1942.
No. 27461
He perished in the camp on 8 September 1942.

#Auschwitz #Birkenau #ww2  #Poland #Nazis #Germany #NeverForget #education #history #histodons #Remember #otd #facts

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"Carbon tax accounts for 0.3 percent increase in food prices. That's 30 cents on a $100 grocery bill."

"Canadians are going to be disappointed when "axing the tax" does not result in promised affordability at the grocery store."

"Axing the tax' will bring such miniscule savings nobody will notice except for low income people who will no longer get the rebate checks."

"Axing the tax will on average benefit the wealthy and hurt everyone else."

#poilievre cc @bhundey

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Based on their inaction and false claims, I argue it should read "prefer to ignore and instead lie or mislead".

“What far too few leaders seem to grasp (prefer not to grasp?) is that every delay means an ever-steepening challenge. Canada has the widest emissions gap among the countries UNEP surveyed — a 27 per cent gap between policies in place and international commitments. The U.S. logs the next widest at 19 per cent.”

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Carbon taxes affect consumer prices today by only 0.6% and so that’s how much things would get cheaper by if we were to eliminate the carbon taxes completely.
School of Public Policy at the University of Calgary:
Carbon tax not to blame for affordability crisis: UCalgary study

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Here is also shorter “takeaways” piece summarizing the major parts of the series to date (we need to update it for the NATO story)./9

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