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Take a look at this beautiful and poignant cartoon strip about climate action!

We need to act collectively and individually to stop the thousand years of harm that fossil fuels and other sources of greenhouse gas emissions are doing to our planet, which is our only home.

#Climate #ClimateAction #Cartoon #Art #EnergyTransition
#NoPlanetB #CycloneGabrielle #NZ #Aotearoa

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Just found out my story from April, wherein I FOI’d my own media request to the City of Ottawa
and got back emails showing Ottawa Police sent convoy trucks to camp out next to residential homes and a school, is a finalist for a COPA investigative journalism award.


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"Climate Transparency Report, an international partnership between 16 research organizations that annually publish a balance of climate actions adopted by countries that are part of the G-20."

"compares the adaptation, mitigation, and finance efforts of the G-20 countries and analyzes the policies adopted"

#ElectrifyEverything #GreenEconomy #CleanEnergy #ClimateCrisis #ClimateChange

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"Tu Deh-Kah Geothermal is in the early stages of development with the goal of providing up to 7-15MW of clean, geothermal electricity in Northeastern BC. Tu Deh-Kah Geothermal is poised to be British Columbia's first geothermal electricity facility and amongst the first in Canada."

"100% Fort Nelson First Nation community-owned"

#Indigenous #BC #Canada #Geothermal #ElectrifyEverything #GreenEconomy #CleanEnergy #ClimateCrisis #ClimateChange

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From the great Dr. James E. Hansen-

"Global warming in the pipeline is greater than prior estimates. Eventual global warming due to today's GHG forcing alone -- after slow feedbacks operate -- is about 10°C." 

"The enormity of consequences of warming in the pipeline demands a new approach addressing legacy and future emissions. The essential requirement to "save" young people and future generations is return to Holocene-level global temperature."

#ClimateCrisis #news

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Why did more than 200,000 workers go on strike this year? Perhaps it’s because CEOs are now paid 399 times as much as a typical worker…

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Reminder: any lawmakers who engaged in insurrection on January 6th must be held accountable and barred from holding public office now and in the future.

And yes, that includes Donald Trump.

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Hey, remember when we learned that a right-wing terrorist network extensively planned a violent coup to overthrow the German government and constitution and establish a reactionary, ethnic nationalist, authoritarian monarchy with them as its leaders, and this network included members of the German judiciary, the police, one of its major political parties, the army, and many members of the bourgeois (and formerly royal) societal elite? That was earlier this week.

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A good intro to the super important hearing on application of 18 USC 1512(c)(2) at the DC Circuit tomorrow in the January 6 investigation, from @rparloff. Many TV lawyers have assumed that David Carter's ruling that Trump probably violated it is all that matters--but this appeal (and the follow-up appeal) will determine to what degree it can be applied.

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@museum @histodons "The fate of artist Felix Nussbaum’s family, from Osnabrueck, Germany, substantiates the desperate efforts to find shelter and refuge on foreign soil. It is the history of one family among many that found itself in the maelstrom of hopeless flight...

...His works continue to tell his story, that of his family, and that of the fate of the Jewish people."

wrote Yehudit Shendar at Yad Vashem website:

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It's interesting to see how many current Tesla owners are now expressing embarrassment at driving them in public, due to the now unavoidable associations with Musk's increasingly fascist behavior and statements, with many owners noting that they will never drive another one, and many prospective drivers saying they will now cancel and/or look elsewhere than Tesla.

Of course it's not fair for drivers (who bought into Teslas before Musk's true proclivities were obvious) to be faced with this, but that's what Musk has done to the brand -- single-handedly and with eyes wide open.

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@alexwinter For what it's worth, I'm TRYING to bring my real stuff over here, while doing the shit-posting ABOUT the birdsite over there. Because that's where people need an easy way to understand how the Twitter Files propaganda works.

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11 December 1904 | A German Jew, Felix Nussbaum, was born in Osnabrück. A painter.

From 1933 he lived in exile. During the war he was interned in Saint-Cyprien & Gurs camps.

He escaped & went into hiding in Brussels. He was arrested in 1944 after denunciation & deported with his wife to Auschwitz where they perished.

#Auschwitz #Birkenau #history #Holocaust #Shoah #artist #arts #painter #Nussbaum #Belgium #Germany #Nazis #history #Jews #Osnabrück #Brussels #people @museum @histodons

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@lauren @jeffjarvis It’s amazing how quickly the Tesla went from a car for affluent liberals to a MAGA-mobile.

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@jeffjarvis @lauren @captainslim

Note to self: start selling bumper stickers to Tesla owners that read “My next EV won’t run on hate.”

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Might want to be selling that Muskmobile soon. Value falling at 2-3 times the Car Guru index. 🫤

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Someone just mentioned the differences between #Twitter and #Google regarding user data. Yes, indeed.

I've worked inside #Google twice. Their explicit rules, approvals, logging and "need to know" requirements for access to user data are most impressive. Anyone even attempting to access user data inappropriately is fired and marched out the door by security. This is part of why I have a great deal of trust in Google, and consider Elon's #Twitter to be utterly untrustworthy and totally beneath contempt.

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Judge Tim Kelly rejects several bids to throw out the indictment against Proud Boy leaders.

There should be a more interesting one soon on whether the govt can argue that Proud Boys riled up the "normies," as a weapon.

Clif boosted article *yesterday* by calling a moderate (because despite exclusively spewing MAGA propaganda he labels himself a moderate): not just absurd, but one of those articles that has come to define their dangerous false equivalency & access journalism.

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