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We are LIVE on Product Hunt! If you are feeling oh-so generous, give us an upvote and try out Mammoth 2 for Mastodon! Thanks to @Chris for hunting us!

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"...billionaires are a menace to the rest of us: their sheer political size warps our public life."

"On a thriving planet, human beings should be human scale, but the super-rich are on another scale altogether, giants trampling underfoot both nature and our efforts to protect it." - Rebecca Solnit

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20 November 1936 | Czech Jewish girl Hana Brocková was born.

She was deported to Auschwitz from Theresienstadt ghetto on 28 October 1944. She was murdered in a gas chamber after the selection.

#Auschwitz #Birkenau #Holocaust #Shoah #Jews #history #histodons #Nazis #Germany #NeverForget #ww2 #Memorial #Remember #memory #otd #facts

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America, we have 11 months to stop a dictator. Don't be fooled by the familiarity of the fool or by any soft-pedaling of the situation. Trump means us excessive harm.

Nobody in the Democratic Party, including Joe Biden, is perfect. We don't need that and we won’t get it. We need people that will stop this march to autocracy, misogyny, racism, and the deletion of our rights.

One chance, people.

Voters must take Trump seriously and literally. The stakes are that high.

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18 November 1910 | A Czech Jewish woman, Lota Kleinová, was born in Prague.

She was deported to Auschwitz from Theresienstadt ghetto on 15 May 1944. She did not survive.

#Auschwitz #Birkenau #Holocaust #Shoah #Jews #history #histodons #Nazis #Germany #NeverForget #ww2 #Memorial #Remember #memory #otd #facts #Theresienstadt #ghetto #woman

“the “carbon majors” responsible for the crisis at hand knowingly spent decades that could have been used to avoid disastrous global warming to make so much money they could have paid their “fair share” of climate-related damages and still pocketed US$10 trillion”

“after 35 years of broken promises and failed half-measures in Canada, it’s hard to see any hopeful scenario Canadians are willing to act on. We certainly know what we need to be doing. We just refuse to act — year after year, decade after decade.”

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Carbon dioxide (CO₂) averaged about 419 ppm in October 2023

10 years ago October averaged about 394 ppm

Preliminary data from

"Petroleum products that originated in Russia kept flowing to the Motor Oil Hellas refinery on the Aegean Sea in Greece, a Washington Post examination of shipping and trade data found. They just took a new route, hundreds of miles out of the way through an oil storage facility in Turkey, a journey that obscured Russia’s imprint as ownership of the products changed hands multiple times before they reached Greece."

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Clif boosted “The decisions we make in the next few decades will determine the climate for the next 5,000 generations. If we choose unwisely, people in the future will justifiably be furious with us because we know what we’re doing but we’re doing it anyway.” #ClimateChange

"The Fifth National Climate Assessment, or NCA, is a peer-reviewed collaboration by more than 800 scientists from 14 federal agencies, universities and research institutions."

It has a lot of bad news - and a bit of optimism - for the most climate-denying nation on the planet. Buckle up North America because no where will be immune to the present and future effects of climate change.

A link to the report is within the article.

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Yesterday in Ohio

A constitutional amendment establishing the right to abortion access passed 55.5% to 44.5%.

Recreational Marijuana passed by 56% to 44%

An overwhelming victory.

Within hours, top republicans stated they will go against the will of the people and undermine these new rights

Independents and moderates: when you vote Republican you vote against democracy

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You all know my theory: Because of our current information disruption, and because news exists in a click-driven world, and because sensational opinions get more clicks than boring facts, the facts are lost in a firehose of opinions and speculation.

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"Catastrophic climate change: Lessons from the dinosaurs" | An excerpt from my new book #OurFragileMoment (courtesy of @bulletinatomic infused with the legacy of the great Carl Sagan on this #CarlSaganDay eve:

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12 November 1921 | A Czech Jew, František Šťastný was born in Brno.

He was deported to Auschwitz from Theresienstadt ghetto on 28 September 1944. He did not survive.

#Auschwitz #Birkenau #Holocaust #Shoah #Jews #history #histodons #Nazis #Germany #NeverForget #ww2 #Memorial #Remember #memory #otd #facts

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