High time for my #introduction
Homebased in Germany. Education in Iowa before it was fashionable 😉 & Scotland before it was dragged out of the EU. Brexit exilee (don't get me started).
Interests: news & travel, political cartoons & science, migration & immigration.
Fmr officer in lots of things, among them Australian migration, int. exchange/education programs & govt consultancy.
Unapologetically pro people, coffee, freedom of movement, empathy, migration, knitting & facts (the real ones).
@TheBossRoss I knew you were interesting ..
@ComradePangloss Thank you. I do try. 😉
I have found a brexit benefit.
Brexit has brought a lot of like minded people together on social mediA.
Some of who I actually regard as friends, even although I will never meet them.
Tim Berners-Lee created a means for like minded people to communicate without ever actually meeting..
Uninteresting fact of the day - Tim B-L's brother is one of my constituents!
@lizneedhamSTAR @TheBossRoss As an addendum. I read your profile.
I loved your 'woke as a woke thing'
@ComradePangloss @TheBossRoss Thank you!