TL;DR of today's IWW furry story, with links (cw for labor politics, as one might expect)
1. About nine months ago, a left-wing fur commissions featuring a drawing of a fat fur character squashing a boss, accompanied by a pro-IWW (International Workers of the World, an international labor union) message.
2. Day before yesterday, a Chicago-area affiliate of the IWW reposted the above to their Facebook page:
3. The general reaction is summed up by the subhead of from the Daily Dot: ‘Is someone going to tell them?’
(By the way, the article also interviews the person who commissioned the art!)
4. A Twitter account associated with _Industrial Worker_, the official publication of the IWW, quote-tweets someone replying to the Daily Dot's tweet about the article with ...
Furries are welcome as long as they're not cops or landlords
Join the one big uwunion
5. ...and then listing which IWW unions to join for fursuit makers and freelance/commission artists.
It is rather delightful, imho.
PSA for friends of alcoholics, important
When someone we know trusts us with the information that they have serious problems with alcohol, they telling you what their triggers are. They are telling you that it is not safe for them to be put in the same place as alcohol. They are telling us that if we cannot put their needs before our desire to drink in their presence, then we aren't safe to be around and the only responsible thing we can do is remove ourselves. This is VITAL, *alcoholism kills*.
Think about it like this. If a handful of top movies donated a couple of percentage points of their profits, we could end hunger right now. Today.
We do not have a resource problem in the States. Greed is what is keeping the US in crisis.