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Haha I thought the Javice / JP Morgan complaint got boring after the NYC-area Data Science Professor part, but I should have kept going. Page 41 contains this Data Wrangling gem.

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We passed it a couple days ago, but it has been 10 years since "On Fire", the strip I did that became the meme "this is fine".

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How do you explain this gap in your resume?

“That’s when I carried you”

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It’s not often a US president calls a newly elected state senator. But @AaronRouseVaBch (a former @NFL player) got a call today from @JoeBiden to congratulate him on flipping a seat in #Virginia.

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A clip from an interview with one of the original SimCity designers, on how the game would have fallen apart if parking lots in the game were their actual sizes in modern cities.

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Boost this toot if you're planning on sticking around Mastodon whether or not it becomes more popular than the birdsite.

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I was looking for a way to contact the New York Times to plead that they not show me the "Read it in our app" lure (after having just closed one yet again), and then there it was on the contact page itself. Please #nytimes stop. Over and over again, I have to shut this even when signed in.

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"Aye, the sirens," says the lighthouse keeper, picking a bit of tobacco from his beard. "Some nights, when the wind is just so, I swear I can hear 'em singing." "What do they sing?" I prod him. A faraway look in his eyes, he says in a voice barely above a whisper, "Tubthumping."

@jayrosen_nyu I remember when it seemed like Norm Ornstein was quoted in half the articles and was a regular on McNeil-Leher. Not exactly a rabble rouser.

Curmudgeon boosted

Did you watch the "Kevin McCarthy's tormentors" this week?

I did. During which I kept thinking of this piece published in the Washington Post in 2012 by Norm Ornstein and Tom Mann.

It's difficult to describe how utterly establishment Mann and Ornstein were at the time. One was at Brookings, the other at American Enterprise Institute.

They saw what was happening: The GOP's attack on all institutions. The press didn't want to know. Now it does.

#journalism #uspolitics

Curmudgeon boosted

OK, I now have a favorite @biggestjoel video. Almost 15 minutes on trying to extract meaning from a 7-tweet twitter thread. Every time it kept going, I was howling. Does he eat the candy bar?

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I spent a number of hours of my long weekend watching @biggestjoel videos on youtube and feel the need to write something about why I found them so compelling (and perhaps do Prager Good by increasing gratitude?). The only appropriate vehicle would be an hour-long well-produced youtube video in the style of Big Joel and let's be honest, I'm not going to do that. I was even going to suggest why I thought they were good, but why? I can just point you to them and you can decide for yourself. But which one?

I guess I'll go with "I Found the Worst Christian Show" because I think it captures his style. You might think it's a 37-minute dunk on a terrible show but it's no. So watch. Or don't.

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Curmudgeon boosted
Curmudgeon boosted

I cannot keep this to myself. There is a website ( where you can listen to radio stations all over the world for free. No log in. No email address. Nothing.

When the site loads, you are looking at the globe. Slide the little white circle over the green dots (each green dot is a radio station) until you find one you like.

I have been listening to this station in the Netherlands and it absolutely slaps. I have no idea what they're saying but the music is fantastic.

Curmudgeon boosted

~3,700 years ago in ancient Babylon, someone approximated the square root of 2 to the equivalent of 6 decimal digits (they used the sexagesimal system back then, so base 60) 1.414213.

How they did it is explained here:

#Science #Math #History #Archaeology

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This George Santos guy seems maybe a little sketchy to me, I don't know.

Like someone asked an AI what it would be like if cryptocurrency ran for office.

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