BBC on Edinb. Uni. industrial action
"#University of #Edinburgh staff condemn marking boycott response.
Staff at the University of Edinburgh say the response to a marking boycott by management poses a "serious threat" to the integrity of its degrees."
Despite all its promises of equality and due process under law, America has always had its scapegoats.
I didn’t know it at the time, but when I was a child my entire community became scapegoats. The attack by Imperial Japan upon Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941—a “day that will live in infamy”—made most Americans look upon anyone with a Japanese name or face as the enemy.
May is AANHPI Heritage Month, so I want to take a moment to zero in on the history that led Asian minorities in the U.S. to come together as a group and demand America fulfill its promise of justice and equality:
Énorme boulot de @arictoler pour retrouver les traces virtuelles du tireur d’Allen au Texas. Contrairement aux fake news de la fachosphère, il n’existe aucun doute sur son appartenance à la mouvance neo-nazi. Comme ce selfie par exemple :
In today's #vatniksoup, I'll introduce a Swiss politician and journalist, Roger Köppel (@KoeppelRoger). He's best-known for his weekly magazine, die Weltwoche, and for his pro-Kremlin commentary on social and Russia-sponsored media, as well as on his magazine.
Le tireur d'Allen, qui avait des tatouages nazis et SS, a écrit qu'il était inspiré par le même compte d'extrême droite avec lequel @elonmusk interagit fréquemment.
Musk a pris plusieurs fois les suggestions de ce compte ⤵️
""In the words of literature, the president
@ZelenskyyUa is a little big man. He knew exactly when and how to support his nation, even when it looked lost. I noticed that he laughs a lot less than before. He doesn't have many reasons to smile. I would most like him and all Ukrainians to be able to smile again"" - ::
Petr Pavel
tres beau thread de @NTenzer à lire
‼️🇺🇦Oil depot on fire in Sevastopol, head of Russian occupying authority in Crimea claims drone attack (more) #Ukraine #NATO #Press #News #Invasion #Russia #9yearsOfWarInUkraine #WantedDeadOrAlive
8/ also if you need to read last quick recap of the global situation :
bon en dehors de 2k followers qui me suivent, combien me lisent vraiment ici.. je ne sais pas qui suit?
je vois encore moins de rt ici... que sur Twitter donc vous etes là ou pas??
juste pour vous dire que concernant la situation sur #Bakhmut, les pro russes produisent ce genre de carte aujourd'hui vs des pro ukrainiens qui s'emballent (c'est là ou tu te dis que "Anon" ils devraient juste se concentrer sur ce qu'ils savent faire) :
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said he spoke with House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) about his country’s “defense needs and capabilities” and thanked him for the United States’ “unflagging bipartisan support.”
- Austin urged Turkey to make a decision about Sweden’s accession to NATO “sooner versus later.”
Allez bonne soirée et bon week end à tous !
(oui j'étais un peu amoureux d'elle peut etre... ;-)
Science integrity - a very interesting post which I recommend as transparency and action are singularly lacking in this realm.
On this topic:
In April 2018, Boris Johnson flew directly from a NATO meeting in Brussels to a party at Lebedev's castle in Italy. He is reported to have left the meeting carring an important and secret manual of military doctrine.
He left the party very much worse for wear, and was photographed at the airport with no luggage.
What happened to the manual?
Biological Chemist. Blog
#Polysaccharides, #ExtracellularMatrix, fibroblast growth factors, #FGF, #Glycotechnology, #Sulfation.