Before retiring, I was an aerospace engineer (Apollo, Viking Mars lander), software developer, and tech writer. But that was to pay the bills. I think of myself as a writer -- mostly sf, some horror, some mystery, some (yet unpublished) fantasy. Lots of details at www.dvorkin.com
My wife and I also help writers self-publish. You can find out more at www.dldbooks.com
In theory, I should be writing much more now that I'm retired. In practice, that's not happening. I blame the Internet.
I (white) thought that when Obama was elected, but I was quickly disillusioned.
QT: https://stranger.social/@wiseguyeddie/112838553495710979
Five years and five days ago, for the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 landing, I published a short memoir of my time working at NASA on the Apollo program, titled "When We Landed on the Moon".
It's not the catchiest title, but it is much snazzier than the more descriptive title "How I Worked at a Desk at NASA During Apollo Writing Fortran Code and Entering Lots of Data on Punch Cards and Poring over Piles of Computer Printout".
It should have said "terminate a pregnancy". I couldn't edit it to correct it, so I added a comment to that effect.
QT: https://mastodon.nu/@Gurre/112610082420818010
That should be "to terminate a pregnancy".
I'd edit that toot if I could.
QT: https://qoto.org/@DavidDvorkin/112609774660685186
My latest, a thriller, is now out in ebook on Amazon and can be read free via Kindle Unlimited. Print editions will be out on January 24.
Here's the link:
Kids today with their school cancellations because of snow and cold. I tell ya. Why, why I was a lad in high school in northern Indiana, around 65 years ago, we'd get storms with layers of snow and ice and snow and ice and... (lake effect, perhaps), and school would be cancelled, and adults would snarl that we were wimps, why, in their day etc.
Writer, former software developer, tech writer, aerospace engineer (Apollo, Viking Mars lander). Atheist and anti-theist; I try not to go on too much about that and frequetnly fail. Mostly fairly leftwing except on certain subjects; ditto about going on too much about it. Come to think of it, that bit about going on too much about stuff applies to all of the above.