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Now that I have moved instances, time for a re-introduction! I am a #LawProf at #McGillUniversity where I teach & research #IntellectualProperty #patents #innovation #trade #GlobalHealth using #transdisciplinary methods (qualitative & quantitative). I have a particular passion for how #OpenScience partnerships contribute to innovation, such as in areas of #MarketFailure like #PandemicPrepareness #AMR, #RareDiseases & #PediatricDieseases

Hi! Just so you know, I'm happy you're all here. All the new folks, all the old folks, all the folks in between. Whether you've been in the #fediverse for years or are part of the #twittermigration, you being here is why this works.

So thanks, and I hope to continue seeing you around. 💚

Everyone, meet my feathered friend, Stormy. You’re going to see much more of Stormy in the future. For the few of you who choose to follow me, hopefully the weird hashtag will help you find other posts with Stormy and my birds later, if you are so inclined. For now, Stormy says “Good Night”. It’s been a long day.

I'm also new to the all mastodon here. I'm going to just jump in. #followme for Digital stuff, social media listening stuff, data analysis and definitely some funny stuff.

I admit I don't understand social media. I never have. I feel I'm a participant in an ongoing experiment along with everyone else who partakes, no matter the platform.

For those who've been on for years, I want to acknowledge that I, along with many others in the Twitter exodus, have abruptly entered your digital world. I am sure that brings forth many feelings and concerns.

While I would like to call Mastodon my new social home, I know I'm still a guest in a digital world forged by those who invested in it long before my arrival. I appreciate any suggestions or advice from the community on how I can better fit in to the customs and expectations that have made Mastodon a welcoming "federation".

I don't know how long I'll be here, but I'm excited to interact with the Mastodon community during my stay. It is my hope we can find a collective balance that allows for wide reach, small community feel, and personal control/choice.

My Veil Nebula. This one was a 2 panel, about 20 hours per panel. 10 hours each panel of 5nm OIII and H-a Astrodon filters for a Bi-colour finish. Taken through my Sky-Watcher Esprit 100mm Apo.
Mosaics are not really my thing, matching the panels was not fun. Haven't done another since..


Well hello there Mastodon! I am new here, and don't understand anything about this. But I do understand a lot about #astrophotography !

Here is my most recent image, to start with a bang! This is the Rosette Nebula, shot with OSC, edited as Hubble Palette.

Let's see how this new medium will carry on. May the night be with us!

🔭 Equipment:
Telescope: Tecnosky AG70
Camera: ZWO ASI294 MCPRO

Image Stacking:
STACK: 50x300s

print("Hello World!") :aphotoblob:

Hi there, I just wanted to write an since today I changed server.

I'm Claudia, from ! I have a background in and after my undergraduate degree I chose to pursue a MSc in . My biggest dream is to study the relationship between genes and cognitive abilities and in particular, I'd like to contribute in the field of Neurodevelopmental Disorders in the future. :blobcatfluffhappy:

My main interests are: . I am passionate about science communication books and I can't wait to share with you some of my favourite readings! :blobcatpicturebook:

I live my life one struggle at a time thanks to and my lifelong enemy . Yes, I'm a formally diagnosed dyscalculic wannabe data scientist, does that surprise you? Well, thanks to programming languages I can cope quite well! I'm learning and :blobcatnerd:

Other than science, I have tons of interests, from weapons and martial arts (, , and ) to videogames (especially cozy games like Pokémon and Animal Crossing). ⚔️ 🏹 :poke_ball_shake:

My life is full of "A"s: I'm , and :heart_ace: :heart_aro:

I can't wait to find some interesting people to follow so if you are one, ⭐ this post so I can find you! :blobcatflower:

Just to clarify, I consider myself an absolute beginner both in biology and bioinformatics as I have little to no practical experience at the moment, so please don't take my opinions as if they come from an expert. If there is something I know for a fact, is that biology is complex so it takes more than a few years in university to truly understand it, that's why I never feel 100% confident with my knowledge - this is also why I joined qoto, I'm sure that reading discussions and asking experts will enrich my views.

This most recent #Fiji M7.0 earthquake is not as close to the bottom of the local #intraslab seismicity as the previous deep #earthquakes a few days ago.
(note that the focal #mechanisms are projected onto the vertical cross section)

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Behold the #FirstLight of a new instrument called the #KeckPlanetFinder (KPF) on the #Keck 10-m telescope in Hawaii. The image is a rainbow (or spectrum) of a star named 51 Peg, made famous in 1995 as the first sun-like star known by humans to have a planet. KPF effectively opened its eyes to 51 Peg. And it did so on Carl Sagan’s birthday, November 9. Read more about how KPF will improve our searches for all those incredible things just waiting to be known: #astrodon

Spending the weekend preparing my testimony to the House Science, Space, & Technology Committee about early science with the Just Wonderous Space Telescope (#JWST). Will be there with #NASA APD Director Mark Clampin and UT professor Steve Finkelstein to share the wonder. 💫

My interests are: #neuroscience #cognition #neuroanatomy # neurophysiology #neuropsychology #fMRI #brain imaging @prefrontal cortex

Still finding my way around.

There is a suggestion that young people in particular may not be inclined to post in case they say something stupid. As someone who has long retired there is nothing that I miss more than interacting with young people. I am many others would really benefit from your contributions. I have said many stupid things in my career, and it often led to better understanding on my part.

If you see this toot (yeah this one right here), can you boost it for me? It will help my new server federate with the wider Mastodon network. 🚀 🙏

Deadline tomorrow! We are hiring postdocs for two projects. One seeks to reveal how neural activity is structured in brainwide patterns to support diverse behaviors in mice. The other aims to relate the activity of a single neuron with that of thousands of presynaptic and postsynaptic neurons across the mouse cortex (w Alipasha Vaziri and Federico Rossi). We are interested in people with diverse backgrounds, not only those with specific experience. #neuroscience

Not been on here long, but a few
🧵 #feditips🦉 learnt:

🍄 Go-wide/follow more 🦔 Your timeline’s populated by who you follow so follow liberally (not just high-profile folks) and go to the edges of the fediverse (not just your own instance)

🦊 There’s no algorithmic boosting 📈 Boost liberally to share and promote

🐑 Share and promote toots not (high-profile) people 📢 To expand + thicken the network, do less sharing of those with lots of followers and promote toots that might not otherwise spread

If anyone would like to register for our hopefully fab residential #neurovascular #Cajal #neuroscience course in Bordeaux next year, then you have 2 days. I repeat 2 days! Please do come - it'll be lovely! Application details in the flyer.

Poster printed. No SfN until 1. Time for an overdue #introduction

🐘💨🙋‍♂️I’m a theoretical neuroscientist who likes to hang out with experimentalists. Somewhat-recent PhD with György Buzsáki/John Rinzel (NYU) now a postdoc with Blake Richards/Adrien Peyrache (McGill). I study the neurodynamics of sleep & how they can do computational work in biological and artificial neural networks

Sometimes-snarky toots about #neuro #neuroAI #PhilosophyOfScience and life at the interface of theory and experiment

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