Hi everyone 👋! Another #introduction as I just moved instance.
I am an Associate Prof. at Harvard Medical School, and am interested in figuring out how the brain works 🧠. In particular, how do its neural dynamics implement the probabilistic computations required for efficient behavior? We ask this question from the theoretical perspective 💻, using tools from machine learning and physics, and collaborate with experimentalists 🐭🙈👤 to test the arising theories.
In the past I have worked a lot on decision-making - both perceptual and value-based - normative models for the speed-accuracy trade-off, and how this relates to decision confidence and attention. Currently, we are looking into probabilistic reasoning about more structured objects, like hierarchies, and at efficient navigation in light of uncertain sensory information.
Happy to be here!
Two collaborative postdoc positions available to translate brain signals across scales https://www.yorku.ca/science/research/schalljd/translating-brain-signals/ #NeuroScience #spikes #EEG #fmri
Now that #COSYNE2023 abstracts are in I want to announce a #CIFAR workshop on #cognition, #AI and #consciousness that will take place *the day before COSYNE* (March 8) here at #Mila.
We have a great line-up and registration is *free*!
Please boost!!!!!
Come join us! Our wonderful lab manager is heading to grad school, so we are looking for a full time, paid research assistant/lab manager for our lab at U Chicago! Our work (http://cohenlab.com) combines many approaches to study the neural basis of vision & cognition. We are looking for people who enjoy learning new things (we will teach you what you need to know). We value a diverse set of ideas and viewpoints from a diverse set of people. Contact me or apply here https://uchicago.wd5.myworkdayjobs.com/en-US/External/job/Research-Technician_JR19715
@jmgrohneuro Mastoscript?
If you do vision research & are looking for a post-doc, consider @NIH. We have an international, diverse, collaborative group & we strive to have fun while we do science. Lots of scope for you to choose new directions for your work. And DC is a great place to live. App review starts soon, but will continue until position is filled. Great resources, 5 yrs funded, collaborative, team. Neurophys, fMRI, MEG, behav.. Pls inquire, pls boost!
Please consider contributing to this Kiskstarter campaign to support a documentary on the great #BenBarres, renowned neuroscientist and trans man.