Пам'ятник Магдебурзькому праву який був поставлений на честь повернення Києву в 1802 році Магдебурзького права, яке він вперше дістав ще у XV столітті #Київ, листопад 2023
Programming Grace-Hopper, the NVIDIA CPU+GPU complex connected through NVLink C2C interface and exposing full unified memory and cache-coherency (Technical Blog Post)
Krulwilg pekingwilg (Salix babylonica Tortuosa), bastjong https://www.bomengids.nl/2022/species/Krulwilg_pekingwilg__Salix_babylonica_Tortuosa__Corkscrew_willow__Salix_babylonica_Tortuosa__Saule_de_Pekin_tortueux.html
posted by #bomengidsnlbot #trees #botany #nature
Welcome to European treeguide bomengids.nl https://www.bomengids.nl
Bienvenido a guia #arbol europea https://www.bomengids.nl
Willkommen bei European #Baum Guide https://www.bomengids.nl
Bienvenue dans le guide des #arbres européen https://www.bomengids.nl
https://www.europesays.com/900567/ The United Kingdom has provided the Armed Forces of Ukraine with the necessary supplies and equipment ahead of winter. The British Ministry of Defense reported this. #Ukraine #UkraineConflict #Ukrainian #UkrainianConflict
https://www.europesays.com/900569/ U.S. Secures 60 Gepard Anti-Aircraft Systems for Ukraine in $118 Million Deal #ConflictInUkraine #Ukraine #UkraineConflict #Ukrainian #UkrainianConflict
In 1936, Michael Powell’s UK quota quickie Crown vs. Stevens, a woman hot for her drunken husbands loyal employee, who refuses her, tries to murder her husband (to bed the employee) drunk in his idling car in the garage by walking through an “electric eye” to close him in, then spurned by the guy (now her business partner) she tries to frame him for the murder but goes insane & confesses on the witness stand, exonerating him.
4 years later They Drive By Night copied that exact story.
*Oft gesehen* Nach der Flucht zum Verkaufsleiter: Freisinger Bäckerei zeigt, wie Integration gelingt https://www.n-tv.de/mediathek/videos/panorama/Freisinger-Baeckerei-zeigt-wie-Integration-gelingt-article24510649.html?utm_source=mastodon&utm_medium=dlvr.it&utm_content=n-tv.de%20-%20Meistgesehen&utm_term=%40ntv%40mstdn.social [Video]
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La notizia della citazione in giudizio di meta, youtube e compagnia bella negli Stati Uniti mi ha fatto ricordare di quando, poco più di un secolo fa, fu Coca Cola a essere portata in tribunale perché produttrice di una bevanda che creava dipendenza.
Quando in tribunale portarono Coca Cola per la tutela della salute e dei bambini
Geometry exercise. La Palme, France, October 2023.
📷 Emmanuel Veneau (cc by-nc-sa) #AmbulationsPhotographiques #AsTheDaysGoBy
#photography #geometry #contrast #light #BlackAndWhite
👤 Virginie
Great place to smoke weed!
I love to return here in autumn.
#Tychy #Poland #Tree #Tranquility #Reflection #Nature #Outdoors #drolasoru