Our Editor in Chief @gabrielarana and @thenation's John Nichols is live NOW on the Your Call #Media Roundtable on KALW in the Bay Area, talking about how we saved the Texas Observer: https://www.kalw.org/show/your-call/2023-03-31/texas-observer-will-remain-open-after-staff-raises-over-300k
Good morning. Our doors would be shutting today and all of us would be out of work, if 1000s of people hadn't come together to say that #TexasNeedsAnObserver.
We are so grateful to all of you on this #Newstodon Friday!
You know how the Republicans are cutting the costs of social security and Medicare? They're killing off the elderly.
US life expectancy plummeted.
Oil, gas, and coal are fossil fuels.
Groundwater is fossil water.
Both are non-renewable when consumed faster than they are replenished.
Peak limits mean they must be replaced by renewable resources.
Haven’t signed up for Evolution 2023 yet? Now’s the time! Evolution is, after all, the study of change (with apologies to Walter White). In person from June 21-25 in Albuquerque, NM, and virtually from June 2-3, wherever you are. https://www.evolutionmeetings.org/registration.html
Great illustration of how astroturf groups and unchecked opinion pieces create doubt in science. Sound familiar?
I love the texture on this Holcoponera fingerprint ant. Ecuador.
Here's my new story about guidelines from the National Academy of Sciences for studying human genetic diversity. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/03/14/science/race-genetics-research-national-academies.html
Yet more terrible academic news. It would seem that, if you share your drafts with people rather than hiding your work in the cupboards, people can give you feedback to improve the work and result in stronger contributions overall.
RT @EconomicPolicy
Don’t let the name fool you, “right-to-work” laws are designed to diminish workers’ collective bargaining power by making it harder to form unions.
Michigan is ready to make history by becoming the first state in 60 years to repeal the anti-worker law. https://www.epi.org/blog/why-right-to-work-was-always-wrong-for-michigan-restoring-workers-rights-is-key-to-reversing-growing-income-inequality-in-michigan/
Just rename it the State of Fascism.
(And BTW, WaPost, tenure is not a "perk".)
Florida bills would ban gender studies, transgender pronouns, tenure perks https://www.washingtonpost.com/education/2023/03/05/florida-bills-would-ban-gender-studies-transgender-pronouns-tenure-perks/
In today's science news: George Santos is reportedly going to serve on the Science, Space and Technology Committee https://www.nytimes.com/2023/01/17/nyregion/santos-business-committee-space.html
Do you want to go to the Evolution meeting in 2023? Do you live outside of a high GDP country? Check out @eseb 's conference travel award! https://eseb.org/prizes-funding/conference-travel-award/
New publication from our lab illustrating the complex case of social attraction in wood warblers. Congratulations to Shannon Luepold to the publication of her first #phd chapter! 👏 With @kokkonut #ornithology #birds #woodwarbler https://besjournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/1365-2656.13844
Job: Theoretical eco-evo postdoc in Mainz (Germany)
I realize I posted this one back then on a site that wasn't owned by Musk yet; never here so far. Also, the deadline is conveniently a week away (4th Dec to be precise) so a reminder is in place anyway!
My lab is moving to the University of #Mainz. If you're into #LifeHistory #theory/#modelling and would like to interact with whoever visits the future "theory hub" of the #Kokkonuts, read this ad!
Save the date! We are delighted and honoured to host the next #Behaviour2023 conference, 14-20 August 2023!
Learn more about the conference in www.behaviour2023.com
See you all in Bielefeld!
Evolutionary Ecologist. Opinions may be strong and are strictly my own.