Yo Albert @wunderalbert - Per my ‘Thoughts on Agency’ #HeyGitHub article, the addition of #ConversationChain, #Agent, and #Memory features in #LangChainAI could be gr8 way to explore adding “Sherlockean smarts” into Conversational #Copilot focused on support for building apps based on popular UI/UX frameworks.
Quick update Albert @wunderalbert - My Zoom with Oege is rescheduled to Thursday. So looking forward to this. ITMT, Harrison Chase and the LangChain contributors have been on 🔥 this past week! 😱👍 The addition of the Agents and Memory features seem perfect for exploring the ideas in my #HeyGitHub #Copilot articles. 🤓 LangChain docs: https://langchain.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
@wunderalbert Yep, back from the holiday & likely the shutdown of Semmle `lgtm` service having possible user migration issues.
I am starting to explore `LangChain` use for, initially some prompt chaining, then an agent with memory, to do some typical UI/UX coding with the wxPython framework wrapper on wxWidgets. It would be a good POC to show how a higher level voice conversation could replace the role of a WYSIWYG interface builder.