To my #DigitalHumanities & #AI/#ML folk: As I transition here from Birdland, recognize I have some new followers, and it’s yearend holiday time, I thought I would point you to a fun 2-part article about the neologism #nowsliding. You’ll learn about this interesting time-related concept and get a bit of my personal backstory along the way. 🤓👍
Hi @acpresso 👋🤓✌️TY4Follow. Given your linguistic interest, you may be interested in this article: I wrote this post-cancer in 2015 at start of my rebirth as a #DigitalHumanities #CitizenScientist. This helped me develop my #SelfDirectedLearning #PLN Personal Learning Network by opening communication with #digitization researchers like @patrick_sahle asking them for feedback & resource suggestions.
Hi Amelia @wattenberger - TY4Follow 🙏 Your 🐥2🐘 migration helper is a valuable contribution to the community. Given your #GitHubNext & #GitHubCopilot connection & interest in #DataVisualization, you may ❤️ this 2-parter in my #Copilot for #DisabledDevelopers publication. I developed a Faceted PAOH (Parallel Aggregated Ordered Hypergraph) #DataModel. 😎 #DigitalHumanities #AssistiveTechnology
I am a 71-yo #DigitalHumanities #CitizenScientist & #DisabledDeveloper. My research is focused on the development of a Ground-Truth Storage format for digitized serial publications, primarily magazines.