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That's a strong argument against copyright extension.

I really strongly think we need a few new amendments. One of them is nice and short:

"A well educated population being necessary for a free state, the right of the people to keep and read books shall not be infringed."

Yes, I am stalking you, because I know you will be happier as a member of my cult.

I just noticed something about me, and I am wondering if this is a societal condition. When addressing in shorthand a male, referring to them by their last name is acceptable. So Biden, trump, McCarthy, etc. When referring to women, it is Hillary, Ivanka, Nancy, etc, and only adding the last name if you need to distinguish between Nancy Reagan or Nancy Pelosi. I feel it is somehow disrespectful to refer to a woman by only her last name. But I don't seem to have the same feeling about referring to men the same way.

Last m9n $caturday post. I'm allergic to the little buggers, which is really annoying since I live them. But, I rescue parrots, so meet my 'cat', Blueberry

@mcc maybe this will help:
a baklava wearing a balaclava playing a balalaika on black lava

Scrolling Mastodon while getting your nails done is called a mani/pedi/fedi

So, my intro: I’m an ex-Twitteree. I lived in Manhattan 25 years. Have degrees in economics, photography & journalism. Most of my career was marketing executive at a major record label. Left the rat race 12 yrs ago, moved to VT, got remarried to the love of my life. Finally finished PhD in Political Economy. I do website design & landscaping for a living. I rescue Border Collies, hate facism, & am vegan to reduce the suffering caused by animal agriculture. Democrat to the bone. #Resist

This basic primer on the slave trade should be required watching for every person on Earth.

Bought mother a birthday dinner tonight... damn! parents are expensive!

Goals in life:

Currently, to record myself singing Poisoning Pigeons in the Park just in case Weird All wants to have a part 2 to his biopic, and needs a geriatric to play him in his last days....

Wow, 2nd largest bank failure in the US... and I hadn't noticed it??

Silicon Valley Bank, if you missed the story too.

Sometimes a story like this is needed to remind us that people, in fundamental ways, deep down, covered by the hate and fear, are GOOD.

That's a new one, I was just called and offered "utility insurance" to protect me against inflation.

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Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.