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I awoke from a very convincing dream this morning, that made me understand God. I mean, I completely understand it. Even after being awake for a moment, getting that 1st bit of coffee, that dream is still dominant in my head and thoughts. I tried to explain my dream to my wife, and she said "if you completely understood me, you would have made me breakfast."

I remember watching Spaceballs as a kid and being struck by the extreme version of the "lived in" future that is Lone Star and Barf's space Winnebago. Like at some point the technology would be so good that you could have a shitty rundown spaceship that was barely limping along, but at least it wouldn't kill you. The basic tech being sound enough that, like a car, you could afford to be cavalier about the upkeep, knowing you can get by without perfect maintenance.

Anyways, I run a website now.

I'm curious, if a 12 year old gets a driver's licence in Kansas (or wherever they have an age that low) could they legally drive anywhere in the USA? How about a resident of a state that doesn't have a minimum age for a scooter, can they drive a scooter anywhere in the US?

Haven't been on the bird app in so log, I actually had to type "twitt" before google knew were I wanted to go. Before that I got suggestions for painting with a twist, tardis exploding, letter from twittler's lawyer, twitch, and a few others. OK. But, first thread is a guy running for office from a state who had their gun laws written by the NRA and signed into law by a republican, saying he wants to protect the 2nd amendment by adding the 28th... No text of the 28th, just a video I was uninterested in watching, and one of the top posts this bit of cold hard fact:

Watching the trans community create strawmen to fight against TYT... I'm sorry, Ana has the absolute right to say her pronouns include 'woman' if she wants to, and not 'birthing person.' If she wants to be offended by that, that is her absolute right, and you don't get to dictate to her that she is a 'birthing person.' And yes, if Mike Tyson goes trans, there is a problem with him getting into a boxing ring with even the best female fighter in history. I don't care how unlikely this may be. I don't care if it is a valid threat. This is something that the ignorant right knows will resonate with their base, and win them elections.

Elon Musk (146 million followers) has 94 subscribers paying to see his private posts.

Low Quality Facts (20 thousand followers) has 75 patrons supporting whatever it is Low Quality Facts does.

We might not get the pitiful Musk vs. Zuckerberg cage match, but I can offer you a Musk vs. Low Quality Facts subscriber battle.

Please join the cause so we can surpass Elon and help him see just how incompetent he truly is.

Like last year, and every year before, I am reminded that July 4th is the best time to murder the neighbors.

Unfortunately, I will forget this fact in a few days, and next year will not have made plans.

America 👏 does 👏 not 👏 have 👏 a 👏 far-left 👏 movement.

- Our far-right are explicit, open fascists.
- Our center-right are extremist nationalists.
- Our center-left are classical conservatives.
- Our far-left are moral centrist capitalist moderates.

Any objective political compass would place politicians like Bernie Sanders, AOC, or Elizabeth Warren barely left of center.

A true far-left movement would be advocating for forced property seizure by the working class. Instead, our "far-left" is like "let's don't do a genocide on trans people today please I haven't even had brunch".

Twanger. The anger that former twitter users bring to a platform, expecting the people to be like those they interacted with on the bird app.

"She was full of twanger when she discovered that Bob voted for Bernie."

The view limit on the bird app doesn't matter if you don't use it. About twice a week, I accidentally will hit a link for there, and spend a good 15 seconds scrolling. I will probably see 200 posts a month.

For a moment, when I typed a "t" into chrome, I didn't even get the bird app as a suggestion. That was lovely. It is very rare to get hate on mastodon, aside from those servers that are openly bad actors.

Saturday morning, I got hate. I assume they were new arrivals, and still have the bird mentality. I will never know, as we blocked each other.

Please, if you ran here because it got bad there, don't try to make here into there. None of us need that.

People don't seem to be mentioning this, but I find it to be as bad, if not worse, than accepting plane rides and fishing trips, or a house for your mother. The dollar amounts sure are higher:

"2 Supreme Court justices failed to recuse themselves from cases involving their publisher after receiving large amounts in book advances and royalties"

A 3rd, Jackson, has accepted a million or more bucks, but hasn't had a case come before her yet. But I think just getting a million like this with the incredible potential of a case coming to your court is problematic.

In a choice between trump and Hillary, both are pushing us on a slow slide to Hell in my opinion. Hillary was a slower push, but still the wrong direction. I don't want us to be bombing Libya. or selling weapons to the Saudis, or staying in Afghanistan. I don't want Goldman Sachs to benefit from my vote, I want us to benefit. I won't vote for the Senator from MBNA.

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I'm curious... I ran into a pack of zealots yesterday... we ended up blocking each other. But I have a simple question: How bad can a candidate be before you accept not voting for them, when they are running against a trump? For me, if they are a bad candidate, at any level, they are not going to get my vote. For some people it seems they have to be worse than trump to not get that vote. To me that just guarantees that evil wins elections, that there is no reason for any party to present a good candidate. If I have a choice between Stalin or Hitler, I am writing in Batman. If I have a choice between tween trump and a candidate who was openly vocally against marriage equality, I WILL NOT VOTE FOR EITHER, and for cause. Why is this hard to understand?

I have a new business building one-page wedding web sites. If you are a same sex couple, the service is free. This is not a joke.

I just discovered I am raw-dogging reality.

I need to improve.

Some say Reddit is done, stick a fork in it. But as long as there are posts like this, Reddit will live on:

, at this point, he understands I was trying to help him, but the fundraising page still says he has only made a prototype, and that he is far from shipping. Reality is those who paid for air freight have already gotten they carts... But I will be damned if I try to explain to him anymore! God only knows how much business this will cost him...

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Dealing with people on the spectrum is exhausting. I have a guy who I am buying a cart from, who apparently thinks everything is a personal attack. His latest outrage is that I have been suggesting others buy one of his carts, and suggested he post that he is manufacturing them right now, that you can order one right now! He is FURIOUS. His reasoning? I must be an idiot that I don't know that he is in production....

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Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
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Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.