#IsleofWight: New dinosaur species discovered #ankylosaur
First #synthetic #human #embryo raises ethical issues #stemcells
#Southwark: Rare #Roman #mausoleum unearthed in #London
#Driverlesscars: #Researcher disguises himself as #car #seat in study
#Australia: Watch moment #trapped #humpback whale is cut #free
'Extinct' #butterfly species reappears in #UK
@BartoszMilewski @dpiponi since when this division between scientists and engineers? 😂 Maybe that is coz I come from the EU where engineers are considered something important. I noticed that in the UK they are in fact regarded just slightly above the guys who come to fix your antenna. BTW my job as an engineer is full of challenges. But our aim is mainly to optimise resource and stick to standards, it shapes quite a kind of forma mentis if you like. I am sure those who work at university have much vaster spacetime to use for experimentation. Anyway, if you are going to need help from the engineers to animate your favourite Star Wars characters in your watch, you will also have to bear their attitude 😆
@dpiponi okie I read your post better and now I understand what you mean. Sometimes reinventing the wheel is good. One may find something new or better. and learn in the process
@dpiponi It's about standards. That's why we are called software engineers. We may sound a bit patronising, but we deal every day with colleagues that write too clever software that does not follow the standards and after some time all the layers of crap fall on our heads. At which point we need to shovel that crap away while the guy who did this left already enjoying his new job at Bloomberg where he will help piling more crap on their premises. Try listening to the guys. maybe their manners are not great but they are probably sparing you a lot of issues in the medium long term.
#JamesWebb telescope: Icy moon #Enceladus spews massive #waterplume
Ooh! A nearby supernova. In a galaxy I'm already vaguely familiar with.
#Leigh #dogattack #police finally act after one man died
Come ti spiazzo i Btp
Mentre il governo cerca di collocare i Btp, premere per stimolare la concorrenza dei conti correnti non appare molto coerente. Ma forse l'obiettivo vero è un altro...