RT @Radkomm@twitter.com
Es tut weh zu sehen, was gerade in #Luetzerath passiert. Beide Seiten verweisen auf Studien, um ihren Standpunkt zu untermauern. In ihrem aktuellen Podcast erläutert @CKemfert@twitter.com vom @diw_berlin@twitter.com die Studienlage. Ihr Wunsch: Abbau stoppen!
Ce matin le poisson-zebre 🐠 mentionné sur FranceInter 📻 dans la revue de presse de Claude Askolovitch ! Une étude récente a permis de clarifier l'origine de l'asymetrie dans la position de certains organes, comme le coeur : à gauche. Lien vers la chronique : https://www.radiofrance.fr/franceinter/podcasts/la-revue-de-presse/la-revue-de-presse-du-jeudi-12-janvier-2023-6625981 et vers l'article du monde : https://www.lemonde.fr/sciences/article/2023/01/12/le-fabuleux-processus-embryonnaire-qui-place-le-c-ur-a-gauche-mis-au-jour_6157534_1650684.html
Yet another AI reproducibility / reliability / generalizability crisis, this time in medicine
You’ve already heard that Elsevier is evil. That they know this much about you — and that they are selling this data not just to our institutions but to god-knows-who-else — is cause for real, material protest. They may not have a crass loud mouthed billionaire spokesbaby but they’re so, so much worse. Open source, open access alternatives exist. Get them as far out of your life as possible. https://eiko-fried.com/welcome-to-hotel-elsevier-you-can-check-out-any-time-you-like-not/
"Juno: a Python-based graphical package for optical system design" — A complete library that includes a graphical user interface to design and visualise arbitrary optical elements, set up wave propagation simulations and visualise their results.
Paper: https://arxiv.org/abs/2212.12540
Code: https://github.com/DeMarcoLab/juno
<<Find this useful? Please boost so that others can benefit too 🙂>>
A small #ProgrammingTip: rather than coding complex string parsing routines when working with filepaths. Use existing built-in methods such as :
- python : `os.path.dirname(myPath) / os.path.basename(myPath)`
- java : `Paths.get(myPath).getParent() / getFileName()`
- #imagej macro : ` File.getDirectory(myPath) / File.getName(myPath)`
I have seen it in a number of different users that I think it's worth mentioning ;)
RT @actin_crazy
OK so I gave it the easiest prompt possible BUT!!!! OpenAI's Chatbot can output #ImageJ macros!
I’m doing my new-to-me species dance! This little twisted diatom is Helicotheca tamesis and I found it in my Great Yarmouth sample. I’m very happy.
#marinebiology #marinebiologyuk #northnorfolkcoast #northsea #sea #ocean #biology #phytoplankton #plankton #marinetaxonomy #wildlife #nature #diatom #diatoms #microscopy #microorganism
Now seems like a good time to talk about how far-right extremists are using the Overton Window theory to force their ideas into the mainstream. The premise here is that today’s fringe ideas/beliefs can become tomorrow’s normal by shifting the boundaries of acceptable discourse. You do that by introducing people to more & more extreme ideas, so everything else seems reasonable in comparison.
eg, when “praising Hitler” becomes the comparison point, low-key bigotry suddenly doesn’t seem so bad. 1/
The best thing about this place is that there are no ads. I don’t know why this isn’t shouted about far more. I dread looking at my emails because there’s ads all through the damn thing. Ads everywhere on Twitter and Instagram. It’s a routine ugliness, a chore we’ve been told we must endure. But it’s not true.
Just published
A universal influenza mRNA vaccine effective against all 20 lineages of influenza A and B, protective in experimental models
Following @EuroBioImaging workshop on #SmartMicroscopy for #BioImageAnalysis, I would like to invite any interested individual to follow up the discussion on the microlist forum https://forum.microlist.org/t/towards-standardization-in-smart-microscopy/1957
RT @myacquifer
📢New release of our update site for @FijiSc!
Get the latest version of tools for #BioImageAnalysis of your #ImagingMachine data from #cells to #zebrafish. Discover our resources to build custom #imageprocessing and #smartmicroscopy workflows.
More at: http://shorturl.at/ABEY5
If you are interested in image segmentation, this paper might be of interest:
There is code available here:
A word of warning — the segmentation appears to be interactive (as the title of the paper says 😛) and so I’m guessing might not work with any automated/scripted approaches you’re considering …
💡Are you a fan of #openscience and #foss? Consider volunteering to review for @JOSS_TheOJ! Open reviews are conducted via @github issues, and I have often had authors say it's the most positive/constructive review process they've experienced!
👉 joss.theoj.org/reviewer-signup.html
@francesco Wow, I didnt know the EU parliament has a multimedia platform, makes the all thing much more accessible somehow !
Echoing a post from a colleague:
*Four* job opportunities in Pete Bankhead's research group @EdinUni_IGC
to work on #QuPath
Focus on developing #opensource software & #ai tools for #bioimageanalysis - making complex analysis easier/better/possible
Getting back to #TuxGuitar after a few years, still a great #OpenSource software for guitar practice, and even available as a phone app now !
Originally from Brittany in France, I studied in Strasbourg and I am now living in Germany, close to Heidelberg.
While my initial training was in biotechnology, I am now mostly doing software development (C#/Java) for a living. I am dealing with image-processing / #BioImageAnalysis / data-handling, and working with community software such as #FijiSc, python and #KNIME.