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Le Belge boosted

Is there any way to check what instances are federating with what other instances? Like, if I’m here on and I want to see a list of instances we are blocking and federating with? Is this something I can see somewhere? I see people posting about blocks and what not, but I’d like to be able to check. Thanks to anyone who knows! #fediblocked #federation #fediverse

@gitarra @classicalmusic

Alexandre is a wonderful composer indeed. I have listened to the following albums on Spotify:

Piano Music

Music for Violin and Piano

Chamber Music with Clarinet

Wind Concertos

Symphonies, Vol. 4

Symphonies, Vol. 1 - Nos. 4-6 (The War Years)

Le Belge boosted

Alexandre Tansman celebrates his 125th birthday this year. After becoming French citizen in 1920 he fled with the help of Charlie Chaplin in 1941 to the US, becoming a reknown movie composer ( Oscar nominee in 1945), returned to Paris in 1946 where he lived until his death in 1986. He wrote a biography about his friend Stravinsky. He composed symphonies, concerti, chambre music, for piano and guitar. Which pieces do you know ?



Some of my favorites off the top of my hat:

Rosemary : Steerswoman series

Terry : Discworld series

Kristine Kathryn : Retrieval Artist series

Walter Jon : Dread Empire’s Fall series

Connie : To Say Nothing of the Dog, Blackout, All Clear

John : The Day of the Triffids, The Kraken Wakes

Lois McMaster : The Vorkosigan saga

David : RCN Series


Le Belge boosted
Le Belge boosted


Yes, this is definitely my favorite among the albums of his I have listened to.

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