IT (HALLOWED BE HER info technology) amazes me that we can and do, good by people. How does it feel to support and care, to listen to diverse and insightful, talented and sincere people?
To me as a mere dancing drop in the ocean of chaos (Crustacean Buddhicus) it seems a wonderful way to commune. I prefer to be involved and engaged in such a mannered way.
Long live US (a revived ancient Mastodon) in our fragility, efforts, art, science and being friends to all. Even the X-fiends, dissed influencers, lost and foundlings, lurking loungers, miss fitted, #MysterMen and shades of dimensional rainbow.
As we find our nemesis, unfading fears, dreams of awakening and unvoiced peeps. We flow, divide and regroup. Give voice. Listen.
Pondering our every affiliation and divestment. Naked in our wrap. Hesitant but leaping.
Bravo to the mavericks, the pure, the mixed up and down. Shaking and stirred. Born in a mangy. Live despite all. We enduring the impossible dealings.